{Jensoo} - rest (requested)

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"Come on, Y/N," Jisoo said as she pulled at your arm, trying to get you out of the chair at your desk. "Stop studying and get into bed."

Instead of listening to her, you pulled your arm out of her loose grip and let it fall back at your side.

Jisoo folded her arms over her chest and looked away from you and at Jennie instead, who stood by your other side.

Jennie sighed as she placed her hand back on your forehead, finding that you felt even warmer than before.

"Your fever is getting higher. Stop studying. Put that pen down, close your books, and get your butt into bed." Jennie said.

But you just looked at her with tired eyes before shaking your head.

"I can't. My exams are getting close. I have to study." You said and your already concerned girlfriends became even more upset and anxious.

You're sick with what they think is the flu.

You've been vomiting and running a fever for the last day and what you should be doing is taking this time to rest and let your sweet girlfriends care for you.

However, you're stubborn.

Extremely stubborn.

You've been refusing to rest today, too focused on studying and preparing for your university exams that are approaching.

Jennie wordlessly nodded across the room to Jisoo and they made their way over there, hoping that you wouldn't be able to hear what they'd say from there.

"She's so stubborn," Jisoo grumbled. "What are we gonna do? She needs to sleep and get better."

They both felt frustrated but only because they care about you so much.

"I have an idea," Jennie said. "One of us needs to fake being sick. Odds are we're going to catch whatever she's got anyway. Why not pretend to start feeling sick now?"

"Tell me more."

"If we can convince her that one of us is sick, we can get her to stop studying and lay down to rest. The other will go to the store so she can take her medicine, which she really needs. It would work." Jennie suggested and Jisoo agreed immediately.

"Who's the sick one?" Jisoo asked.

"You," Jennie said. "Pretend to feel nauseous and have a stomach ache and the chills. That's how it started for her."

Jisoo nodded before kissing Jennie's cheek softly and returning to your side with a new plan.

"Will you please rest? Let me make you some soup." Jennie said as she rubbed your shoulder.

"Oh, god, please don't mention food." Jisoo pleaded.

"What? Why?" Jennie frowned.

"The thought of it is making my stomach turn."

You dropped your pen and looked at Jisoo with worried eyes.

"Are you coming down with it too?" Jennie asked as she placed her hand on Jisoo's forehead.

"You're sick?" You asked as you slowly stood up.

"I don't feel good at all," Jisoo mumbled as Jennie guided her to the bed.

"Sit down. Relax."

"Oh, baby," You worriedly said as you sat down next to her.

Jisoo clutched her stomach with a groan, sinking her teeth into her lip as if the pain in her stomach was getting to be unbearable.

"I know how you feel. It sucks being sick." You said as you brushed your hand across her back. "Do you need anything?"

"Some cuddles would be nice." She said and a small smile tugged at your lips before you nodded.

You crawled into bed beside Jisoo and Jennie couldn't help but breathe out a sigh of relief to see you laying down at last.

"I'm going to go to the store and get you some medicine," Jennie said as she kissed your warm forehead.

"Jisoo needs some too." You spoke and Jennie paused before nodding.

"Of course, Jisoo too. Be back in a few. You two cuddle and get some sleep."

You curled up close to Jisoo as Jennie left to go to the store for you both.

"Hi, darling." You said as you put your head on Jisoo's chest.

"Hi." She said as she brushed her fingers across your back.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"You don't feel sick, do you?"

Jisoo went wide-eyed upon realizing that you figured it out.

"No." She confessed. "But Jennie and I are so worried about you. You need to rest. So just play along for me and, for once, stop being so damn stubborn."

You chuckled as you closed your tired eyes.

"I can be pretty stubborn, I won't deny that." You said. "I'll play along. For you. I love you."

"I love you too." She said. "Rest up and feel better soon."

You drifted off to sleep in her arms and that's when she, too, let out a breath of relief.

You were finally resting and that's all she and Jennie wanted.

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