9- cuddle bug

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*Time skip to 1 day before Ari and Aimsey leave for Canada"


"Morning sleeping beauty, it's time to wake up we need to finish packing"

"Noooo, stay here and cuddle with meeee"

Ari proceeded to snuggle into my chest and wrap her body are mine, basically making it impossible for me to escape.

"Darling as much as I love your clinginess, we do need to get up"


Let out a long sigh, I had been defeated by a cuddle pile and a cute face. I decided that 10 more minutes wouldn't hurt anyone, so I joined the snuggle pile, rest my head on top of Ari's and playing with her hair a bit.

Staying in silence was calming, sure Ranboo and Tubbo were downstairs making a bit of racket while trying to use what I assumed was the waffle iron... And George, Tommy and Wilbur were busy playing backyard football. But it didn't matter because I had Ari and she's all that matters in the moment.

"Darling it's been 10 minutes; I gave you extra time with me, but we need to get up"

"But you're so warm, and everything else is so cold"

"That settles it!"

I got up, threw the sheets off of both of us then grabbed a small blanket and threw it on Ari.

"Hey what-"

I gently picked her up bridal style and carried her down the stairs while she squirmed a little in my arms, but eventually she calmed down a bit and snuggled up to me again.

"Good morning, everyone, I caught an Ari :)!"

The two boys looked over in my direction and started laughing, I joined in, and Ari had a small pout on her face.

"Stop laughing at meeeee"

"Darling, I'm personally laughing at how cute you are... The other two, I have no idea"

"I need a picture of this, and it's being posted to Twitter"

I heard Ran's camera take a photo, our fanbase is going to eat that up.

"Here's an idea, why don't you set your girlfriend down and come help us with the waffle iron, we have no idea how this works"

I nodded and set Ari down on the couch. She made little grabby hand motions which were really cute and made me want to pick her back up, but I needed to go help the boys before they burnt the house down. Ari has been really clingy lately and I've been loving every minute of it. 

I walked over to the boys is the kitchen, I was about to head completely inside but i peeked my head around the corner and realized I couldn't spoil the moment they were having right Infront of me; Ranboo has his head resting on top of Tubbo's, Ran was holding a book he'd been reading, and he was reading a part to Tubbo. 

"And that's my favorite part"

"You should read to me more often" 

"Maybe I'll take you out on a date to a library, we could sit, and I'll read you whatever story you want" 

"I'd like that a lot, how about Wednesday sense Ari and Aimsey will be gone"

Ranboo nodded and they went back to trying to make waffles, so I took that as my cue to head on into the kitchen... THEY ARE SO CUTE!

"Alright let's see what you've done wrong here- Ranboo where is the cord?"

"Wait this thing needs a cord?" 

"Oh my god your dipshit! of course it needs a cord how on earth would it work?!"

"We're back from football! Ranboo where's the cord?"

we all laughed, and I grabbed the cord from the waffle iron box and plugged it in. Tubbo grabbed the waffle mixture they had made, and we had fresh waffles in no time. 


I heard foot steps, then a wild Ari had emerged from her couch and blanket.

"I'm up and ready for waffles"

I handed Ari a plate and we all sat down at the table to eat.

"Ok so how much longer are you all staying at my house? I love you guys but I'd like my streaming room back"

"I think when Ari and I get back from BC Ill be leaving, what about you Ran?"

"I don't know, whatever Tubbo wants, that's how long I'll stay"

"Sapnap is coming to live with me at the place we just bought, dream will be coming after so I'll be out soon"

"I live down the street I can leave whenever I want"

"Same as Tommy, I can leave whenever"

A lightbulb could have appeared above my head in that moment.

"Ari you can come live with me at my flat! We don't live far from yours so you can just move in!"

Ari looked up and me with excitement in her eyes, you could tell just by looking at her that she liked the idea.

"Really? Of course I'd want to come live with you! We could cuddle any time of the day!"

I laughed at how cuddles seemed to always be on my girlfriend's mind no matter the situation.

"That sounds great to me, now let go pack our things for the trip, we're there for 5 days so no need to pack much"

"Ok, then after maybe more cuddles?"

"You really did catch the cuddle bug, didn't you?"

Shorter chapter today! Sometimes you guys will get bigger 1000 word ones and sometimes it's just under the mark like this one! Next chapter will be one taking place in Canada. Au*Alec will get a comeback once again and yes there will be more cute Aimsey Ari moments! Just need a cute ship name... Aimri?

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