Prologue: A Falling Star

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Night has fallen upon the land, but the moon and the stars was covered up by the dark clouds. A good deal of people were either asleep or staying up late for their own reasons. But there was movement of a person that ran swiftly as the wind as the cloaked person ran between the trees and something blue glinted in her right hand. The shadows of the forest and the cloud-covered moon covered the unknown person's features, but one could see that the person is a girl was watching on from a rocky cliff.
She watched as the dark thunderclouds had cleared away from the moon and felt amazing energy in the air as the wind blew through her hair. The stunningly beautiful aura of stars can be seen in the dark blue night sky. The girl admired the beauty of the stars that sparkled in a rainbow of colors like distant diamonds in the night sky. It wasn't long till the full circle of the silvery moon had revealed itself from the parting, dark clouds.
The girl smiled and lifted her head proudly as she enjoyed feeling the wind blow through her blonde hair and she smiled softly as she felt the mix of the wind and rain blow through. She scanned the sky as some thunderclouds had rolled into the area. The girl smiled as the thunderclouds surrounded the full moon and a few stars accented the night sky.
The girl had went into the workshop and she immediately got to work on the computer. She had an idea and started fixing a bey that she had found somehow. She had made five blueprints of a balance type bey on the computer and sent them to the 3-D printer to fix her partner. She suddenly felt a presence, but she doesn't know what it was till she heard a faint howl of a wolf.
As the girl continued working on her beyblade, she started using different machines. In the next few hours, she had finished the center and the performance tip, but now it was time to put the finishing touches on the layer. She soon approached the 3-D printer and watched as the machine made sparking and metal noises.
Lupa from the myths can do strong attacks, defend itself, and can be agile, thought the girl as she narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. A balance type should do the trick.
"I'll call her Protector Lupa," said the girl softly to her evolving beyblade.
She put on her goggles and put the finish touches on her bey. But when the touched her newly evolved beyblade, her eyes flashed bright gold without her noticing as she worked on the finishing touches on her bey.
The girl got up and looked down at her bey in her hand with a warm smile. Her bey is in the colors of bright blue, silver, and gold. Her bey's motif is of the Roman goddess of wolves, Lupa. It's a dual-spin Balance Type that's similar to the Dark Wolf bey, but it's a bit different than one would think. The center has a sitting, silvery-gray wolf howling. The energy ring is in the color of sky-blue and has four rainbow-colored sticks on each side of the energy ring. The fusion wheel looked like it had layers (from green, blue, and yellow). Lastly, the silvery performance tip features a stepped spiral design around its perimeter, with a rubber sharp tip in its center.
She smiled as she looked at Lupa fondly before she left the workshop. She placed a white beylauncher that's accented with blue onto her belt. She stepped out of the workshop and headed towards the beystadium outside.
"Three!" The girl lowered herself over the stadium. "Two!" She pushed the bangs of her hair out of her eyes. "One! Let it rip!" The girl released her bey into the stadium in a bright blue light.
Lupa had hit the stadium hard and started zooming around in the stadium in a bright blue light tailing behind it. She smiled at the astonishing speed that Lupa is performing and the agility she's showing as Lupa bounced against the stadium. The girl was startled to see golden sparks coming from behind Lupa after she had hit the stadium. She felt sweat coming down from her brow as if she was having a ten miled run, it felt as if she's one with Lupa and was zooming around in the stadium. But the girl smiled at the sight of it, she admires the way her bey lights up and powers through the stadium. It's almost like Lupa has the power and spirit of a wolf built inside of her, which makes the girl proud of her bey.
"Keep it up Lupa!" called out the girl.
Lupa zoomed in the stadium in amazing speed, but the girl knew she could do better. Lupa hit the stadium walls a few times, causing some sparks to fly out behind Lupa's and continued zooming around the stadium with sparks flying behind it. But that didn't stop Lupa, it continued zooming around the stadium as fast as it can.
"Not too bad at all." The girl looked down at her launcher with a puzzled frown. "I just need to work on my launching skills." The girl watched as Lupa zoomed around excitedly in the stadium and smiled at her bey before she refocused on her errors.
"Okay, partner." The girl gave a warm smile to Lupa and raised a hand to pick up her bey. "That's enough practice for today. We can practice more tomorrow." Lupa hit the left wall of the stadium and came flying into the girl's hand, in which she calmly caught and looked down at Lupa with a smile. The girl cleaned her bey with her polishing rag and looked down at the stadium thoughtfully.
Me and Lupa will keep forging our bond till we become one of the strongest around, thought the girl as she smiled at her bey in hand and Lupa gleamed at her.
But when she returned to the cottage that she's temporarily staying at and started sleeping underneath the white sheets of the bed in her pajamas, the moonlight shined through the white-curtained window.
"Lupa," The girl mumbled softly with a smile and relaxed in her bed.
But at that moment, a shooting star was falling from the heavens and flew into the night sky and combined into one as a massive ball of light shined across the country. The five pieces of the star had landed in different parts of world and five white balls of energy had separated into the air.
Lupa was on the bedside table with the girl's launcher when the girl woke up to see a bright, dazzling light and it made the girl covered her eyes from the stunning light as it landed onto her bey, which caused her bey to transform and a wild wind rushed around her. Once the light and wind calmed down, the girl looked around uncovered her eyes and looked around in confusion and curiosity from the sudden scene before she gotten up and looked around in confusion and curiosity. The girl picked up her beyblade and looked at it in confused concern as it sparkled up at her for some reason.

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