A girl...

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{Retelling of the events from his pov}
Dream's POV
Another day has gone by... how many have there been. Time seems endless but I can wait, I'm patient.
The walls fade as do the people watching me. I drift into my mind, a habit I've got adjusted to as the years added one by one. I don't dream, this is not a dream but it's not reality, this is what some humans may call coping mechanism. I'm always alone, I'm in this empty white room without end, endless, nothing is endless except us... us who remain-

"Do you want my shirt?"
Was that a voice? It came in more like a whisper.
I tuned slightly, just my head.
It was a girl, rather plain looking, (Color) hair and (Color) eyes, the...fashion sense must have changed...a lot since 1918...

She stared at me, nothing more, who is she?

"I...what even...stupid words...Do you mind putting this on I can't think straight" She slid her button up shirt of her and handed it to me, looking flustered at the floor.
There she stood in complete nothingness, hanging me a shirt, a white shirt nonetheless..
I took it, understanding at what she was hinting.

"Who are you?" The words felt...hard...even for me not speaking for decades has consequences.

"I'm y/n, it's...emm..nice to meet you.." she said with a shy smile. Y/n I knew a Y/n once her presence was tolerable...
I kept staring, she struggled with words herself, though it was a different problem.

"And who..might you be?"
I'm an endless, but that doesn't concern you

"Can you tell me what this place is?"
It should be my mind but you are here...

"I just fell asleep, found myself here and than saw well...you."
As she was saying that she slowly sat near to me, cross-legged, i was watching her every move.

"What happened to you?"
Her look slightly changed, she looked unpleased, how many times I've seen that look
"Please Sir talk less, you're interrupting the silence"
...now she looked I'd say...amused

"Okay not the sarcastic type"
...How dare she-

"This is your dream..." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her.
"How in this even possible? But it does explain a few..."
"I don't dream" I got stuck on the word don't a bit to long for my liking.
"Oh...we'll that is...to be fair this doesn't feel nor look like a standard dream, still whatever this is, I didn't make it, I don't have control over it. So you made it"

"And why would you have control over a dream?"
...this girl really doesn't know who she-

"Why would I have control...em...'cause it would be my dream? I'm mainly a lucid dreamer and as such for the majorityof the time, let's say like 80%, I can change my dreams as I desire"
Her response was to say the least pretentious.

"Changing the subject we are not agreeing on something fundamental. What is this place? And personal question why do you believe you don't dream?"
...She took a deep breath, she was probably annoyed by my silence...
"Anyway you are the one who's controlling this, whatever this may be, that is a fact. This will sound like a weird question but what are you doing at the moment? In the real world, as I said before I just fell asleep."
...Might she be a dream walker? No those stopped existing hundred of years ago.
"Does it have anything to do with the fact that you are naked?"
"Hit a nerve, haven't I? You know what, sorry...it's none of my business."
She is sorry...?
She looked into my eyes one last time before leaning her head backward while chuckle slightly.
"Sorry for all my questions, this was a situation I never thought I'd find myself in" she pause a bit.

"Well at this point only Oneiros freaking knows what's going on." Did she just say... she looked back at me with amusement again.
"Yeah you know the Greek god of dreams, maybe you heard of him with the Roman title of Morpheus or more commonly just as the Sandman"
She knows about me...?
"I just like mythology if it wasn't clear....I..I mean it was, wasn't it..hehe"
I must have been looking straight in her eyes because I could feel she felt uneasy...

"Are you...interested in mythology to?"
"What do you know?" Who are you...?
"About Morpheus?" About me
"In Greek mythology he is the son of Nyx, goddess of the night, brother to Thanatos or more commonly known as Death, he is, actually was, married to a muse, Calliope, they had a son, Orpheus, that died somehow I can't recall..." how dare she say those thing so lithely.

"Did I say something wrong...?"
"You don't know anything, do you?"
My voice is coming back, brought by rage.
"You are just a girl that rants about controlling dreams and talks about me like I'm no more than a fairytale."
She looked scared now.

"I don't really have any reasons whatsoever to not believe you but it does seem a bit...unlikely, don't get me wrong...Morpheus...I have a lot to think about"
Fear and amusement mixed on this girls face.

"Still upsetting you seams to be the only way to make you talk, I'm afraid I'll have to do it more often"
She stated as she moved a bit back, she got up, and stretched her arms above her head.
Did she plan to upset me for information? How could she play such a low trick on me...

"Well at least now we are on first name terms, that was an achievement"
"Now it all checks out: you saying you don't dream, you getting pissed when I said I controlled mine and you getting defensive when I first said your name."
I... haven't... I've said, I've given her information that even the Magus and his son couldn't get out of me.

"Well this was interesting, but somehow i believe this conversation won't go any further. Plus I would really like to get some actual sleep, I'm feeling even more tired than befor~..."
A yawn interrupted her sentence.
I stud up, she stared.
We stood face to face, not saying a word. I tried to reach her, not exactly knowing why.

"This dream is over"  she said in a panic and than disappeared in a second. Her shirt also disappeared...and I was left alone again..in complete silence.
Who are you?
This was interesting and boring at the same time 1098 words
Sorry if my posts are not frequent

The man from my dreams {Morpheus x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now