A change in the wind

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(Listening to You might not like her by Maddie Zahm because *chefs kiss*, thats also the song inspiring this)

Warnings: Its about a breakdown, and a bit of a manic episode mixed in, slight gore warning. Its not much though

Sliding down the wall, she cried. She cried harder than she had before. Choked sobs came from her along with muffled cried. Her hand covering her mouth, she had finally let it out, crying in the middle of the night against a wall. The street lights slowly flickering and some even fading in and out. Thinking about everything, she was scared she thought about herself and hated it.

After what felt like hours her hand fell from her face, she leaned her head against the wall and let her final tear slip. She smiled thinking about it all. The part of her that had been holding her back, digging its claws into her flesh and ripping her apart from the inside out. Trying to still hold onto that little girl. Was finally gone, she was finally free. Nothing holding her back.

She was happy, at 23 she was truly happy crying against a random wall in the middle of the night with some cars driving past. Her mascara leaving stains on her flushed cheeks. Her feet hurt from walking in her heels, yet she was happy. After a long and hard journey, she smiled, her hair sticking to her face. If anyone walked past they wouldn't think she was very pretty with her messed up makeup and hair sticking to her face. Her eyes red a puffy with flushed cheeks.

She didn't mind. Even the slight breeze that sent chills down her spine felt good. Because she was free and the wind reminded her she was free. Sure she was alone with no one supporting her but she was happy. She could do this. She pulled herself out of the hellhole that she once called her mind. So as she stood up, on shaky legs. She laughed, a small laugh but it was a laugh.

The storm had finally passed after years of rain and thunder. She saw clear skies ahead, and walked herself home finally happy with herself.

A/N: hope you guys liked this, it probably won't make sense to you if you haven't heard the song its based off of so if you haven't heard it I would suggest listening to it and then re-read this <3

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