"Well, They're gonna learn all kinds of things about their new asset now," Vic laughed nervously; his old demeanour had completely vanished, Rightfully so. What does this mean for us? For the pack and for Owen?

Vic Hoskins pulled something, a phone, from his trousers and a ringing sound invaded the patters of mine and Barry's feet. "Hello? Yeah, it's me. Look, We might have an opportunity here," he paused for a few seconds, "nonono, you're not getting me," he paused again, his face contorted in annoyance, "look, it's obvious you ain't getting me so, you just follow what I tell you? Okay?... perfect," he removed the phone from his face and said his goodbyes to Barry.

* * * *

THE SECURITY GUARD PUSHED BACK OWEN WITH A GRUNT, "I need to see a badge. Sir, I need to see a badge," the guard kept repeating. Claire stood behind Owen, the guard blocked the door.

"What happened out there!?" Owen asked with a tint of anger. He wanted to know what the Indominous did, he knew Sierra could mildly control body temperature but Sierra is small and missable; the Indominous Rex however was the opposite.

The man stayed in his spot, "sir," he stared at Owen. Masrani appeared out of nowhere and said something to the guard, "ten minutes," he glared at Claire and Owen.

"There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. She did not just disappear! Even with Sierra we can still see faint outlines!" Owen argued, "she's massive! She don't just dissolve into nothing," Owens words blurred together with how fast he was speaking.

"It must have been some kind of a technical malfunction..." Claire spoke up slowly and refined but she knew the tech that they have doesn't just 'mess up'.

"Were you not watching? She marked up that wall as distraction. She wanted us to think she escaped!" Owen responded his body urging him to hit something. Not a person but something.

"Hold on. We are talking about an animal here," Claire stopped his thoughts.

"Well, they did it with Sierra. Why cant they do it with a creature ten times her height?!" Owen laughed, "Crazy bastards,"

"Four hundred metres to the beacon," Vivian robotically said, her eyes locked onto her computer screen. The bigger screen next to Owen suddenly turned on and it showed a group of men with weapons they have on them next to each persons photo. Owen looked at it silently before his whole body contorted with shock.

He lowered his arms that were crossed by his stomach, "You're going after her with non-lethals..." he almost whispered. It was a suicide mission.

Masrani shook his head, "We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it," he sighed but no regret lingered.

"...Those men are gonna die," Owen stated leaving no room to refuse his words. They were right after all.

Vivian stirred in her chair, "Sir, three hundred metres away from the beacon,"

"You need to call this mission off right now," Owen pleaded, he didn't want any more people to die.

"Two hundred metres," she held her breath.

Owen watched the screen in pain, "Call it off," He told Masrani.

"Hundred metres," a faded voice spoke.

"Masrani," Was all Owen said. He couldn't say anymore.

"...sir, They're right on top of it," Vivian whispered, she was scared too.

"Call it off right now!" Owen snapped.

Claire nudged him with her elbow, "you're not in control here," she whisper-yelled.

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