The little girl who loves.

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We all love a little bit of backstory, right?
Updates + chapter every night 🤍👻
Remember to eat, drink, piss, etc  🫶


- Death
- car accident
- death of a child

Enjoy, lovelies 😽🫶

Lucy skipped down concrete path, counting the cars that passed by.




Today was going to be her first day in 3rd grade. Most children her age despised school, thought of it as a prison of sorts, held against your will, forced to learn the alphabet and work on boring assignments. Not Lucy. Lucy loves school. She loved meeting new people, learning the alphabet, and working on boring assignments. She was passionate about school, almost rivaling with her love for her parents.




She looked down at her feet as she scampered down the path, watching in fascination as the lights hidden in her sneakers lit up with every step. She smiled to herself, looking back up at the road next to her.




She rounded a corner, peering past the fence that previously blocked her view. A couple of other kids were already at the bus stop, waiting patiently with parents, and siblings.




Her mood faltered, but only slightly before she regained her posture. It didn't matter that no one was to send her on her way the first day of school. She didn't need anyone to wish her a good day.. or to take a weird first day photo last second- causing everyone to stare, trying to figure out what was taking so long.




She stopped in her tracks at the cross walk, making sure to check both ways before crossing the street. Staring straight ahead, she crossed, Finally reaching her destination. humming a happy tune that her mother used to sing to her as She dropped to the ground, sitting crisscross on the pavement. She noticed a kid that was closer to her stiffen, glancing around a couple times.


' hey... dad. Do you hear that? ' the boy shivered, continuing to cast glances around the area.


" I only hear cars " his father replied flatly, barely looking up from his phone.


The boy shook his head and covered his ears, all while Lucy sat there- terribly confused on what this boy might be hearing. Maybe he had an ear infection or something. Lucy stopped her humming momentarily as the shriek of old brakes nearly shattered her eardrums.


She hopped up from the ground, heading towards the old, squeaky bus. As she got closer to the edge of the sidewalk she noticed that the bus was at the other side of a 2 lane road. She and her other companions would have to cross. She didn't bother to look up, all of the other children had already done so. She walked, mentally marking when she got to the painted lane line. She looked up from her sparkling sneakers.




The other kids were much further ahead, she darted forward as the bus doors started closing.

A sharp pain spiked in her temples, she staggered, gripping at her head as a growling, vulgar noise seeped into her ears, no matter how hard she pushed her Hands into the Side of her head it was still just as loud. The growling was followed with a much higher pitched noise...

A car horn.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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