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Vocabulary List
1. Conceptual Framework– used to illustrate what researcher expect to
find through research, including how the variables relate to each other.

    First let us clarify things, conceptual framework and conceptual paradigm pertains to one thing. Only that, in some references, the paradigm pertains to the figure that would illustrate the framework. The illustrative representation of the framework is the paradigm while the narrative discussion is the framework. So, whether you use framework or paradigm, they just mean the same.
    It is said that a conceptual framework is the researcher’s idea on how the research problem will have to be explored. It is used to illustrate what researchers expect to find through research, including how the variables relate to each other. Therefore, it is a must that you are able to correctly identify the variables involved in your study. Dependent and independent variables are the major concerns of conceptual frameworks. These must be first identified. To create a paradigm, you need to consider the three components. These are boxes, lines and arrows. Boxes means variables, lines pertain to connection or correlation, and arrow denotes causal influence or cause- effect relationship. These three components are commonly seen in a conceptual paradigm.

Cmponents of Conceptual Paradigm
    He is a sample conceptual framework that represents the relationship between the independent variable of “amount of organic fertilizer” and the dependent variable of “height of the plant.

     Sample Conceptual Paradigm

   Framework is not limited to dependent and independent variables. If you decide to include other facets, you may introduce other variables involved in your study. The framework may only highlight moderator variables, mediator variables, control variable, and others. But as much as possible, make a paradigm that is simple. The research paper should also present a thorough discussion of the conceptual paradigm. This will provide clarifications which are not clearly shown on the paradigm.
    Below is the conceptual framework fundamental by John Latham. He
emphasized that all the components of the research methodology should be
consistent with the variables, relationships, context, and so forth identified in the conceptual framework. Anytime you make a change in the conceptual framework all other components should be reviewed and revised as necessary to maintain an internally congruent design. In addition, any time you make changes in the other components of the methodology, you should revisit the conceptual framework to ensure it is consistent and congruent.

 In addition, any time you make changes in the other components of the methodology, you should revisit the conceptual framework to ensure it is consistent and congruent

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     Here is another example of conceptual framework. The paradigm shows the conceptual framework of the study on Coffee Shops. The study would like to determine which of the four variables correlate most with customer’s satisfaction.

     Here is another example of conceptual framework. This time it follows IPO format. IPO means Input -Process-Output. This paradigm clearly shows how the researcher will go through with the study.The dataneeded, the processes involved, and the output of the study are specified.

Steps in Making an Effective Conceptual Framework

      • Do a literature review.
• Identify the varaibles in thestudy.
• Generate the conceptual paradigm.
      • Write you narrative

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