five; frozen shores

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A hazy, blurry Kaz Brekker  stood just adjacent to her when her eyes squinted open, one hand on his cane and his other grasping a thick, nondescript pack with a large piece of cloth clipped to the back. She blinked once, twice, and a third time before her vision cleared completely. 

Kaz raised his eyebrows. "Sleep well?" 

"Piss off." 

Onyx rubbed at her eyes and carefully pushed herself up, a hand held to the dull ache in her side as her muscles constricted. For the longest time, Onyx prided herself in having a half decent routine for herself. But between the ordeal that transpired at the docks and the trek they were on to Fjerda, Onyx had found herself in a limbo of her old routine. 

"I do believe it was you that told me, most normal people start with good morning at this hour."

"Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine this morning, Mister Brekker?" Onyx retorted, running her hands over her face with a sigh.  Maybe she should've been more grateful for that Saints forsaken cot. Her gaze weaved through the gaps between the sails. The coast was all dark rocks and frigid waters blanketed by an uneven layer of white snow. As if to truly set the realization into place, a soft, freezing gust of wind blew through the deck and pulled Onyx's hair out of the last remnants of her braids. "We're in Fjerda, I see." 

"We'll be leaving within the hour," Kaz told her. His eyes briefly fluttered away from her face and to where her hand pressed to her side, then quickly moved back up. "You and Inej discussed the climb?" 

"Yesterday, we did." She cleared her throat. "I'll carry the rope, whenever you miraculously pull that from your ass." 

"Can you do it?" 

"I don't think you told everyone I was doing it because you doubt that I can." 

Kaz knew that she and Inej were the best people for this type of climb-- Inej most of all. Onyx would never even begin to try and compare her and Inej's skill sets. Sure, they shared a few things in common in that aspect,  but one of them lacked, the other prevailed with. Inej had the raw skill and talent for a six story climb, while Onyx had the trained upper body strength from years of stringing and using bows. 

And no doubt being a Squaller could potentially aid in it as well, and Kaz knew that. 

"Besides," she continued, "it's either make the climb or plummet to my death six stories and potentially leave the rest of you lot to die horrible deaths in a frigid Fjerdan prison."

Kaz adjusted his hold on the pack in free hand and cleared his throat as his eyes roved back to the rocky coastline. "Always such a charmer, Miss Vissier." 

"I have that affect on people. It's intended." Onyx pulled her fingers through her hair a few times to detangle it. She'd done her best to clean it the night before in the wash basin, but limited resources could only do so much. It made her cringe internally. Who knew when her next bath would be. Disgusting. She nodded to the pack. "Brought me a gift, have you?" 

"Cold weather gear. Unless you'd like to lose a limb to exposure, I suggest you use it wisely." He dropped the pack beside her and readjusting his hold atop his cane. "There's boots in there that should be your size, and a cloak. Specht has a bow we brought along that you can carry along with you incase we run into any trouble." 

Onyx unconsciously felt for the taut string of her bow across her chest. She'd stored it below deck, beneath her cot for safe keeping with her quiver, with every intention of bringing it along with her. It was Fabrikator made, but she'd strung it up herself countless times by now-- an expect replica of the one her father had hanging in his shop, behind the counter for patrons to gaze upon. It was her safety net, as dreadful as it was to admit. Onyx could hardly remember a time when she didn't have it with her. 

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