Chapter One

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An extremely irritating sound woke me up. My eyes snapped open in annoyance as the bright morning sunlight momentarily blinded me. The sound was a cross between an ape giving birth and a seal on crack. But no. It was that freaking bird. AGAIN. "Every morning!! Are you frikking kidding me?!?!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed and threw the window open. I really just wanted to kill it. "Alright Kayla! Settle down." My mom laughed from her bedroom across the hall. "Sorry," I mumbled as I trudged into my bathroom after quickly grabbing my phone off the night table. Closing the door, I blasted my favourite song 'A little party never killed nobody' by Fergie. Brushing my teeth, I executed some pretty horrendous dance moves. After I was done, I exited the bathroom and changed from my pjs to black leggings and a blue floral crop top. After adding some accessories (a/n cause who doesn't need some fabulous bling right?) I skipped downstairs. No makeup was needed because I had naturally clear, tan skin, pinky lips and dark lashes. When I reached the kitchen I found my mom making pancakes at the stove, my dad reading the newspaper and my younger sister Alex already eating. "Morning," I said in a sing-song voice. "Morning," my dad and Alex replied together. "Hey sweetie how was your sleep?" my mom asked. "Great except for that stupid bird." I grumbled. She laughed. "Well sleepyhead, it's good that you finally woke up. It's getting late." I looked at the clock. "CRAP I have to go!" I was going to be late! Gabbing a pancake, saying bye to my dad and Alex and kissing my mom on the cheek I ran out the door. I caught my bus in time and headed to school. I wonder what I was in for today....

Authors note:
Soooooo first chapter. Ehh I'm working on it guys I swear. Anyway I'll try to update more today. This is just a short story so I'm expecting about 5 chapters. Max 10. Anywho, I'll talk to you guys later.
-Tash \(-3-)/

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