Coincidence, the magic of Destiny

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For the umpteenth time, Yibo reached for his cell phone, and although he knew there would be no message from him even now, he looked at it with hope.

It had been three months...many very long, lonely and worrying days. He followed him on social media. They tore him apart, spread lies, sent hate and venom his way. Yibo tried to ignore all this, because every time he read it, his worry and the pain inside him increased.

Rain pelted against the car windows, it suited his mood well. Just like when he had met him for the first time. In a car like this. Just like when they first... Yibo closed his eyes. Back then, that summer, everything had been so new, exciting and beautiful.

Again he unlocked the phone screen and again there was nothing there. Each time it hurt, but he could not stop.

Two years ago today, he met him.

Two years ago today, he found his home in him.

Two years ago today, he became the happiest person in the world because his eyes lit up just like Yibo's when he looked at him.

Xiao Zhan.

He who promised him the world only to snatch it away from him.

He who had made Yibo a better person just by being by his side.

He who had extinguished the light in Yibo's eyes.

It had been three months, but to Yibo it felt like years. He missed him every day. Every day he automatically reached for his mobile phone to write to him. In the evenings and at night he missed falling asleep with his voice or seeing him, even if it was only via video call. Never before had the silence around him been so deafening. No video calls, no teasing.

The car stopped and released Yibo onto the set of Street Dance of China. LeLe, his bodyguard, was immediately by his side...of course. He knew what it was like inside Yibo, he had protected Xiao Zhan back then, at his request, he was always around Xiao Zhan...protecting Yibo's heart. Even he could not protect Yibo from hatred. Which Yibo didn't care for at all. If the whole world should hate him. He only cared about one person, but that person had not wanted him by his side in this storm.

Flanked by LeLe, he entered the set. He threw himself into the work... without pause without mercy for himself. This time not only because he loved it but also to numb the pain.

Here he could immerse himself in what he loved so much from childhood: dancing. He was surrounded by talented dancers...street dancers. He could exchange ideas and learn something new every time. Talked about techniques, choreography, and danced...danced and street dance...hip hop...this was his world he liked to immerse himself in and feel comfortable in.

Everyone had looked at him in disbelief and he saw the same thing in their eyes everywhere: Astonishment, amazement and doubt about him and his abilities. so young what did he know?! .... but he had earned their respect! Had worked hard! Had won them over with his direct and clear opinion. They had recognized his street dance heart. And he would show it to all of them! Would show them that he was not only good looking, but that he could and did do something.

And also Xiao Zhan..... He would prove to him that he wouldn't let anyone get him down and he would keep going.

He came into the locker rooms and sat down on his chair. Immediately there were loud people around him... dressing, makeup, hairdressing, organizing and going over the show program again. Today, the individual dancers and groups showed what they could do. He was looking forward to it, because each dancer chose his performance himself to get into the next round to get the coveted towel. 49 out of 100. That meant half of them had to go home. And even though he was working so much, training and filming for DDU on the side and had no time of his own...

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