Yandere Ex Artist

Start from the beginning

I then felt a soft hand come across my face and wipe it away. The hand was also a bit wet and warm. To be honest I wasn't sure if it was wiping something or smearing it.

Brook: "The fact that you aren't sure it is me tells me that other people have started to make you forget who I am."

(Y/n): "I don't think I can forget someone like you Brook."

Brook: "Yet you weren't sure when I asked. You know are my first love right?"

(Y/n): "What you getting at Brook? What is all of this about?"

Brook: "You were my first love yet you left me alone."

(Y/n): "You cheated on me. And when I asked why you did it you said something pretentious so I left you. Compared to what drama most boyfriends do I think I was rather good in the break up."

Brook: "Yes you were very good to me. But leaving me was a stupid mistake."

(Y/n): "What do you mean?"

Brook: "The money we had always came from my parents. And after they died I was thinking of doing something special for myself after I got all of the wills in order."

(Y/n): "I can see that you're doing great, are you trying to gloat?"

Brook: "No, (Y/n) I am not doing 'great' I was doing great when I was with you. But when I got all of this money I thought I should do a loyalty test! A simple puzzle for my beloved to solve. Cheating on you was just me trying to set up the conditions 'you being angry with me' the real test was seeing how you would react if you saw me... broken."

I felt scissors starting to cut parts of my clothing and tearing it away. As her wet warm hands started squirming around on the skin of my chest.

Brook: "You asked me questions, you tried to get to me. You were doing everything right but then you... Just left... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE YOU FUCKER!!"

Suddenly her nails dug deep into my skin.

Brook: "You weren't suppose to do that (Y/n) that wasn't part of the game! Do you know HOW MUCH IT SUCKED BEING ALONE!? I tired to move on I tried so much... But no one came close. I lost the ability to talk to people without talking about what happened with you."

I felt her hand and her fingers squeezing my lower lip.

Brook: "I talked to a therapist but the more I talked the more I obsessed about you. And it didn't help I stalked you for most of those two years. And probably have 40 hidden camera and 30 of your used T-shirts replaced."

Brook stuck her finger into my mouth I knew I can't bite her. But I kept my tongue away from it.

Brook: "No, no, (Y/n) you have to taste my finger. Lick it. Lick it properly like a good boyfriend would."

I slowly pressed my tongue against her finger and I tasted... Iron? oh no...

Brook: "Do you know how I know you're my boyfriend now? Because you can't get away from me anymore."

Brook removed my blindfold and as my blurry vision started to focus. I saw her... Brook. With a bone chilling smile of pure glee completely naked and cover in blood.

Brook: "Surprise!"

She said as she gestured at the ceiling above us... And it was bodies... Dead mutilated bodies of people. Wait a minute... No those aren't random people...

It was the woman from the bus, The woman taxi driver, the announcer and the guy she cheated on me with me. Hanging from his entrails his eyes rolled back into his skull. Blood dripping from his body.

Brook: "Oh by the way don't worry these people singing and carrying you around they are just hitman and hitwomen they won't be telling anyone anything. In fact they are the ones that brought the bodies here."

Brook claps and shows the palm of her hand expecting something from the guard behind her.Her comes from behind her and places a pill in her hand.

She immediately grabs my cheeks with her fingers and then digs her nails into the sides of my mouth. Slowly but surely she pries my mouth open. And then immediately cups it to force me to swallow it.

The pill goes down... I am fucked aren't I?

Brook smiles as she notices my worried expression.

Brook: "Oh don't worry I would never give you anything poisonous. It's just Viagra. We are just having sex that's all. After this incredible masterpiece, I am really feeling the burnout. Maybe rubbing our bodies again like we used to might charge it back up."

I don't say anything I just sort of look away.

Brook: "(Y/n) look at me. Look at me if you don't want me to hurt you."

I reluctantly look back at her.

Brook: "If you don't want to die, I suggest you love me the way I want you to. Remember my imagination is boundless it doesn't make much difference to me if you are living and breathing or a carcass filled with formaldehyde so don't test me and let me have this."

She slowly unties me.

Brook: "These lovely people will be watching our artshow tonight so you better give them a performance. Cause if you don't they might break your legs."

Slowly I see her expression turn sad.

Brook: "I really wish you hadn't left. I really wish I didn't do the stupid things I did and am doing even now. I just really need you... So please don't look away. Just love me. Just keep loving me. Forever and ever and ever."


(Eyo. I hope you enjoyed it! This is just gonna be filler stuff in the middle of my continuation stories. I dunno I wanna write and practice writing without having to commit to a large story line. Also sorry there are any mistakes It was like 2 in the morning when I wrote this. I'll edit it later.)

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