"I guess. Maybe it would be better to give it to them in chunks right? Not shocking them with 'Hey Ma, we're gay and moving to an apartment together in Ann Arbor!' all at the same time. Shrugging his shoulders and bearing a giddy smile as the thought rolled out of Tommy's mouth.

Dan's stomach tensed as he played out the conversation in his head. How would that go? He pictured his mom falling back into her recliner and his dad stomping off in denial shouting 'no son of mine is going to be gay!'

They weren't like Tommy's mom and dad. They were old-school Christians. "It's not a conversation I'm looking forward to." Dan admitted feeling a sudden flush of being a disappointment overtake him. "I think your parents will be like 'Ok. Cool.' when we tell them."

"We?" Tommy tilted his head slightly, latching on to that one word out of Dan's statement.

"I mean, I definitely want you there with me when I come out to dad." Dan confessed. "It's scary for me. But you can tell yours alone if you want."

"I just... I hadn't really thought about how we are gonna do it." Tommy looked like deep concentration overtook him. "I'll definitely be there with you." Moving across the deeper water, he sat next to Dan, "And yeah, I think I'd feel better if you were there when I told mom and dad too." Tommy laid his head on Dan's shoulder both excited and scared for the future.

Concealed by the water, Tommy slid his arm around Dan's waist and pulled him close, kissing the corner of his mouth. Turning into the kiss, Dan licked the seam, parting Tommy's lips seeking entry. Tommy opened up and invited Dan's tongue to explore.

Pulling away and catching Tommy's lower lip in a light nip as he moved, Dan gave warning. "You keep that up and some folks might see something they probably don't wanna see!"

Tommy's already heated, flushed cheeks reddened dark at the threat.
"Promise?" Tommy teased as he leaned back trying to provoke his man to make good on his word.

When their lips met again, Dan's fingers knotted up in Tommy's wet locks, Tommy's mouth was open and begging for Dan to consume him. Their tongues rubbed together sending shockwaves through Tommy's body. His hungry moans escaped into Dan's mouth.

Dan's free hand searched blindly through the bubbles to find Tommy's bare thigh and slid his fingers under the opening of Tommy's shorts. The wet nylon fabric bunched up against Dan's wrist and his hand traveled up Tommy's leg in search.

Dan tugged Tommy's hair, pulling his face towards the glass ceiling in the atrium simultaneous to his fingertips reaching Tommy's ball sack. He buried his head in an all-out assault on the warm wet skin of his neck, Dan sucked hard pulling the flesh into his mouth.

His hand cupped around Tommy's sack in a light squeeze that dragged a gravely moan out of the depths of Tommy's throat. Dan traced kisses under Tommy's jawline towards the other side when something caught his attention from behind Tommy.

He retreated from his attack on Tommy's body in haste when he saw an older couple walk through the glass door into the pool atrium. They wore their disapproval boldly on their scowled faces and glared at the boys while they walked by. Dan withered under the weight of their obvious judgment.

Tommy, overtaken by the sudden absence of Dan's face pushed into his neck opened his eyes to catch the grey-headed woman shooting him the stink eye. His head lowered with the quickness of a hunted rabbit, his eyes downward and he giggled uncontrollably at the thoughts that must be going through the old bird's head.

Embarrassed, Dan squeezed his withdrawn hand into Tommy's leg trying to get him to stop. "Shhh!" He hissed. It didn't work, Tommy began outright laughing at the whole thing; being caught in full make-out and the old couple's immediate disdain for what they witnessed. Even Dan's growing aggravation brought on more hysterical laughter.

Dan and Tommy's Story Volume 3 Coming OutWhere stories live. Discover now