"You're the strongest mind fairy here. Your magic is limited only by your will. Focus." Rosalind doesn't give her any more chances to argue, making musa get up from her seat to stand with Rosalind behind Dane. I can't hear what they're saying so I just wait until they return, watching the specialists shoot.

"Who's next? Nyx?" Rosalind returns to our lineup and chooses me to try next. I know better than to argue after my lessons with her I know it'll get me nowhere. So I follow her to riven.

"You will push me away as I simulate an attack." I make my way into rivens head, as soon as I do I feel rosalinds magic join me. I try to focus on pushing her away but I get distracted by everything going on in Rivens head.

I pull away for a second to breathe and refocus before going back in but I push too far and Riven collapses to the floor. I gasp and drop to my knees by him and hold his head in my hands, checking him for injuries.

Rosalind sighs and walks back to the line of mind fairies. I try to bring Riven round along with Sky but he didn't stir. I look to silva and he nods for permission to take him to the medical ward with sky.


I sit with riven as he sleeps in a bed in the medical ward, Terra had told me he should wake up in his own time, but I don't think she was certain, how could she be? I wasn't. I know the most about my powers but I don't know what I did or if he'll even wake up.

My thoughts spiral as I squeeze his hand, periodically letting my fingers slide to his wrist to feel for a pulse. I close my eyes letting tears fall down my face as I realise what I'd done, what I could do. Maybe my powers hadn't been seen in so long because it's a curse. Maybe they didn't pass it down to their kids because they didn't have any. Maybe they didn't make it to that stage in their life.

A few hours go by, I skip my lesson with Rosalind to stay with riven. I watch his chest go up and down, once at a steady pace, now speeding up. I stand from my chair by his bed, placing a hand on his shoulder, keeping my other on his hand.

"Riven. Riven you need to wake up. Please wake up." I mutter the last part to myself before Riven gasps and opens his eyes making me sigh in relief.

"Oh thank god. Are you okay? I'm so sorry Riven, I didn't mean to hurt you I swear. I'm so sorry" I ramble apologies into his chest as I cling to him while he caught his breath.

"I'm okay Nyx, I'm okay." He reassures me as I sob into his chest.

I pull away to check he was actually okay, scanning his face for any lies as he sits up and pushes a stray hair behind my ear.

"I'm okay kitten. I feel fine. I'm not hurt." He looks me in the eyes, doing his best to comfort me before he swung his legs over the side of the bed to stand.

I quickly stood up before him to help him incase he wasn't stable but he stood up like he just woke up from a nap. He stretched his arms above his head before placing a hand on the side of my neck and left a tender kiss on my head.


Once Riven convinced me he's okay, he heads off and tells me to go back to my suite. So that's what I do, I figure he wants some time to himself to think about what happened.

I open the door to see Terra talking to bloom about her hair and how they're going to a pub in Blackbridge. They don't seem to notice me until the door closes behind me, by that time Aisha had joined the conversation. They all turn to me at the sound.

Our deadly sins-fate:the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now