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Angst/ fluff?

Grab tissues 🥺

Before the grabber took me, I had never recognized how incredibly amazing it was to have Robin as my friend.

Sure, i acknowledged how much I had appreciated him beating up the goons that would talk shit about me.

But before loving Robin and all of his personality, I looked up to him. I wanted to be him. I wanted to learn what it was like to not give a care in the world. To beat someone up, stick up for yourself, without it mattering so much.

That's when I realized that it had mattered.

Robin didn't just beat people up for fun. He never searched for reasons to hurt someone, because if he had, then I'd have a lot more bruises than the amount I have now, and those ones, they would be from him.

He beat up Moose because he cared for me. Genuinely. Not some made up bullshit they put in those shitty rom coms.

Robin liked the way parts of my hair shined when the sunlight hit it. He liked how I would flinch whenever a jumpscare came on the screen. He admired how insanely stupid I was, and how I would trip over my words whenever I was in trouble. My habit of biting my nails was never an issue to him, it actually made him giggle from the few times that I remember.

But he didn't like the way my hair shined when the sunlight hit it just because it's pretty when sunlight and golden locks come in contact. He liked it because it was my hair, and he could change the way the light hit it when he ran his fingers through the strands. Whenever I flinched in response to a jumpscare, I'd grab onto his arm, and he'd hold me until I was okay. My stupidity was just a way for him to insult me in silly sentences that always got a laugh or two out of me. The laugh that he had loved so much. And all the times I had tripped over my words from a terrible situation? Those were with him. God forbid Finney Blake ever got caught skipping class, unless of course it was with Robin Arellano, the bad influence.

Everything Robin loved about me was because he got something out of it. Something about me that he admired even more. My giggles, my touch, and of course, my love.

All of these things were so painfully obvious, according to Gwen. I just never realized, that was until he told me all of these things. And he would remind me of them every day. Whisper it in my ear, write it in a note, that was so incredibly risky to pass on to me during class, but still did anyways.

The more time I spent with him, the more I saw it when he looked at me. The admiration for my giggles and my touch and my love and everything that came with it because Robin Arellano was so depressingly in love with me. I didn't let it go unnoticed, and I never will.

Robin deserved my love for the rest of time, and I had showed it to him in many different ways. Bringing him little pastries, like cupcakes or cookies. Sometimes I'd even attempt to bake it, which would turn out horribly but I'd still bring it to him so he could get a laugh out of it. He always did love when I fucked up on things. Especially baking.

Today, I wanted to have lunch with him. It was like any other day, only today I actually had money for flowers, and cookies.

I stopped by the bakery off the corner of the street next to the school, hoping there were some macadamia cookies left. And there were. I picked up some roses on the way there, I know, cliche right? Roses for your partner, maybe this was like one of those shitty romcoms.

Before picking up lunch, I thought about how hard it was gonna be to carry all this food there. Oh well, if I could carry all his abuelitas food back to Gwen, I most definitely could handle this.

Cookies and roses in hand, I walked up to the sandwich shop, and opened the door. It never gets old in here.

After picking up the sandwiches, I made my way over to Robin. Shit, what was I gonna say? i didn't really have much going on, and there wasn't much else I could do while eating.

When I arrived, I sat down on the grass, getting everything all set up to eat. Well I guess this would be a picnic. Romantic right?

"oh god, how am I gonna eat all this food alone?"

I placed the flowers down next to him.

His grave hadn't been cleaned. I guess I could pick up a hose later.

I hope you got tissues like I told you

I'm sorry 😞 

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