True Heart's Destiny: Royal Heart

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"Okay, what exactly are you asking me to do?" Cupid asked. They were in the rebel study ball, and Darling had just helped Cedar explain everything to Cupid. That they thought the storybook of Legends was lying to them, or at least something suspicious was going on. And they needed Blondie's help. Oh, they desperately needed Blondie's help. But Blondie had already signed for her happily ever after, and Darling knew that no royal would help them without a little persuasion.

"We just need you to ask Blondie for a favor," Darling said. "You and her are friends. She'll listen if you ask her."

"But if Headmaster Grimm finds out she opened the book without permission, she'll get in trouble," Cupid protested.

"We are going to make sure that doesn't happen," Cedar said. Cupid laughed.

"No offense, Cedar, but you're not exactly the best secret keeper. Thanks, but no thanks. I don't want Blondie to get in trouble." With that, Cupid stood and tried to leave.

"Just wait," Darling said, grabbing onto Cupid's arm. "Please. We have no other way of knowing. We don't want people to follow a destiny that isn't right for them. Royal or rebel. Blondie might be a royal, but that doesn't mean her destiny is perfect. Don't you want to see if she really gets a happily ever after?"

Cupid tore her arm away from Darling and crossed it over her chest. "What is that supposed to mean? You think Blondie won't get a happily ever after?"

"We think everyone's destinies are in question," Cedar said. Darling was grateful the other girl was backing her up. Cedar might not be able to keep secrets, but people trusted her. That was a valuable asset in an ally. "Did you feel anything when you signed? Did you feel like you really got any more powers from your dad? Did you get any better at archery?"

At that question, Cupid paled.

"Fine, I have to admit, I didn't get any new powers. And no, unfortunately, I'm not any better at archery."

"You see?" Darling said. "There's something wrong with the book. Who knows how true what we saw was. Everyone's stories could be a lie!"

"Are you saying people might not know who their real true loves are?" Cupid asked. "Didn't Apple see Daring in hers?"

Darling scoffed. She really hated talking about how her older brother Daring was supposed to be Apple's hero while all Darling got to do was watch from the sidelines. She wanted to be a hero, saving princesses, especially beautiful ones with beautiful golden hair and sky blue eyes.

"That could be just another lie. Who knows what story Daring is really supposed to be in? And Apple's 'prince' could be anyone."

Cupid hummed in thought, and Darling started to feel hopeful for the first time since Cedar and her thought of this plan. Maybe Cupid really would go along with it.

"Let me think it over," she said instead, and Darling sighed. But at least she didn't say no outright.

"We understand," Cedar said. "We don't want to get Blondie into any trouble."

"She really cares what people think about her," Cupid explained. "If she got in trouble, she would be worried people won't see her as a true royal."

"We understand," Cedar said, but Darling couldn't say she agreed. Why did Blondie care so much what the other royals thought of her? That only led to heart ache.

"I'll let you know by the time True Heart's Day is over," Cupid said. "I'm thinking about planning a dance. Oh, shoot. I wasn't supposed to say anything"

"Don't worry about it,," Cedar said. "And if you throw a dance, we'll certainly be there. Even if I'm not sure exactly what True Heart's Day is." Darling nodded. Cupid ran off, probably to find Blondie.

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