Permanent Ink: Ignite

Start from the beginning

"Are you having fun?" Briar asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Yes!" Blondie shouted over the music. She could barely hear herself think, but she found she liked that. "This party is just right!"

"I'm glad to hear it!" Briar said, smiling. Then her attention got snapped away, and she excused herself for a minute. Blondie turned her attention back to Cupid.

"Briar seems a little dazed," Cupid noticed. Blondie had too, but she didn't want to say anything. It was rude to point it out to someone's face, afterall.

Blondie shrugged. "She's probably a little overwhelmed. This party is bigger than anyone expected." To be fair, most people hadn't expected there to be a party at all. Blondie hadn't thought Raven was actually going to sign.

"Well, I like it," Cupid said. "If all Ever After parties are like this, I'll go to every one! This is the perfect place to throw a party!"

"It is a nice venue," Blondie said. She took note that Cupid liked it so much. Maybe she could do something for her here, although her birthday wasn't until November.

"I'm glad I came here," Cupid said. She was a good dancer, and Blondie found herself mimicking her dance moves. She found most of what she did was just following others. Somehow she found more comfort in following Cupid.

"I'm glad too!" Blondie said. "You make this place just right."


"Would you stop focusing on Blondie and Cupid and pay attention to us?" Kitty asked impatiently. She was not at the party like everyone else, instead lounging in a tree, Maddie at her side.

It's not your time in the story yet. You'll have to wait for your turn.

"Kitty, it's not very nice to interrupt Brooke when she's narrating!" Maddie exclaimed, though she giggled as she talked. She didn't truly want to scold her feline friend.

"That's right. Pay attention to us. We're the important ones in this story."

I told you it's not your time.

"Oh, right. You're probably going to go back to Blondie and Cupid. Everyone knows they're your favorites."

"Everyone?" Maddie asked. "I thought we were the only ones that could hear the narrator."

It's not any of your business, but we're moving on from them now. But don't worry, they will certainly be back. For now, let's take a look at what Duchess and Faybelle are up to.


Duchess fanned herself with her feathery fan on the couches, after Darling and Cedar had finally moved. She was hot from dancing, and had to find someway to get away from Justine, who wouldn't stop asking her for tips. She wasn't here to show off, although she couldn't help it, as she was the best dancer at the school. No, she was here to have fun and let her hair down. Metaphorically, of course. It was much too hot in the club to let her hair down.

"What are you doing, moping over here?" Faybelle asked, taking the open spot next to her on the couch. She was glad Faybelle had found her, as she was really her only friend at this school. Well, she had Sparrow, but he could be obnoxious. And Kitty, but Duchess hadn't seen her since the signing ceremony.

"I just needed to cool off for a moment," Duchess said, emphasizing her words with the swoop of her fan. "I'll be out there outshining everyone momentarily."

"Sure," Faybelle said. She could always see through Duchess, but didn't care enough to press her on it. "Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm sorry you didn't get the destiny you wanted."

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