New Neighbor (Natasha R.)

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g!p smut 

"One more file, then I'm done," I told myself as I sat at my desk. I tilted my neck side to side before cracking my fingers and placing them back onto my keyboard. I quickly finished up before grabbing my things. "Night everyone!" I yelled out as I walked passed the cubicles and individual offices.

After heading down to the parking lot, I got into my car and went to a grocery store since I was low on a handful of things. These past few weeks have been hectic since we're all trying to develop and present new apps or games for the following software conference.

Once I got everything I needed or simply wanted, I headed back to my apartment. Since I was not fond of taking a second trip, I held all of my bags as I stood in the elevator. When it reached my floor, I stepped out and began to walk towards my door.

Before I could even reach it, I noticed my neighbor's door was wide open and there were boxes in and outside of it. New neighbors? I didn't even realize my previous ones moving out. Thank god they did, both they and their dogs were assholes, they had those dogs which many like to call 'ankle-biters'.

I didn't want to seem weird, so after a quick glance, I walked passed and went to my door. I lifted my right hand full of bags to my waist and pulled my key from the chain and began to unlock my door.

"Hey," I turned my head and saw a pretty redhead and a slightly older man with boxes in their hands, couple? "I'm your new neighbor, Natasha," she greeted with a smile. "This is Clint, my coworker." What kind of coworkers help each other move?

"Hi," I nicely greeted her with a smile and nod. "I'm Casey. I would shake your hand but–" I glanced down at my bags and nodded towards her box.

"Right right, same here," she smiled and before I knew it, a blonde stuck her head out of her door, making me jump a little.

"I'm Yelena," she greeted with a strong accent. "Her sister," she nodded to the side, referring to the redhead.

"Casey. Hi. Um–I would love to get to know you guys, but I'm losing blood circulation in my fingers and I need to make dinner for myself. I'll see you guys around," I gave a nice smile again, they all nodded and said their farewells before I opened and walked into my door.

For the next few weeks, I bumped into the redhead and her sister in the elevators, parking, and or the gym or cafe that we have inside our apartment building.

I finished up my personal assignments a few days in advance so I can have a breather before the day of the conference. The apartment building had a get-together on the roof, so I thought to join...mainly for the free food and open bar. I don't really talk to many people in the building.

After grabbing a drink and some food, I stood by the edge and watched the sunset as I enjoyed the music that the DJ was playing.

"Hey there," I turned and saw Yelena.

"Hey, what's up," I greeted back after pushing my food to the side of my mouth, covering my mouth with a fist as I spoke. "Where's your other half?"

I turned around some more to quickly glance. "She's at work, she travels a lot, but she should be home tonight," she told me and I nodded.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" I asked as I stabbed into the pasta salad.

"I am thirsty. I'll be right back," she assured me. I nodded and she walked off.

"Hi, Casey," I heard and turned my head once again and saw a fellow resident that lives on my floor...who has a crush on me.

"Evening, Lauren," I greeted with a tight smile.

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