Chapter 1 (Violent savior)

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We left off with Kairos getting ready to go to help a person called Prince of wales


POV Wales

*Damn It The sirens are attacking* "EVERYONE FEND OFF THE SIRENS!"

After I say that I hear numerous Hai's and everyone attacking but then we see something we hope we didn't have to.

3rd person pov

we can see cherry petals are falling around as two vessels appear.

POV Kairos (Cloaked of course)

These people seem strange however scanning indicates Prince of wales on the opposing side of these fox things soon I hear them say "Behold and Tremble".

I can see this battle is going bad so i will have to interfere. "Hmm the white fox will make a good target".

3rd POV

Unicorn tries helping her friends when kaga knocks her out of the sky.

"Not much of a meal but then prey is prey.Sweet angel come here." all the sudden something happens that will be burned into everyone's nightmares for the rest of their lives.

(Play sounds for context)

Kaga: *lets out Unholy screams of agony before falling to the ground.*

Akagi: KAGA!

Cleveland: WHAT WAS THAT!?

Then out of the blue something turns visible after saying "Disable cloaking field". What can be seen is a large metal object thats lower half is covered in strange orbs and has what looks to be a toilet plunger and a pipe on it's "chest". But what sticks out most is the eyestalk in the middle of the head that glows and odd shade of blue. out of nowhere it does something that will further traumatize everyone.

Kairos: *looks to Akagi and moves right in front of her* "I need information of recent earth history"

Akagi: "Why-"

Kairos: "Speech is not necessary I will extract brainwaves." His manipulator arm shoots out and covers the entirety of Akagi's face causing her to struggle for a bit before she falls semi limp still fighting but with little movement when he lets her go and says "New foe targeted label is siren"

Akagi and kaga retreat when another person arrives.

Kairos: Identify yourself

???: USS Enterprise now who are you?

Kairos: I am a Dalek Named Kairos.

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