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I step out of the steamy shower and wrap my cherry blossom colored towel around my chest. I close my eyes, smile and take in the delicious smell of my coconut shampoo and conditioner, tonight's going to be a good night.

"Sweetheart! We're leaving now! We'll be back around three tomorrow afternoon!" My mother calls from downstairs.

"Okay mom! Have fun!" I call sweetly back, although I know I'll be having more fun than her.

I pull out a violet towel from my bathroom closet and slowly wipe the fog (caused by the steam from the shower) off my burton mirror. As I wipe the fog, I can start to see my figure; it's interesting, really, how you can change your whole identity by putting on some makeup, a wig and changing your name. I don't know if it's because us humans don't put two and two together, or we just don't take the time to think, we just go right past the issue and don't ever think that a person could have two identities. It's fun to mess with people's minds.

I laugh quietly to myself as I throw the towel to the side and, keeping the other towel wrapped around my chest, open my makeup drawer and pull out my "special" makeup box.

As I rub the soft eye primer on my eyelids and my face primer on my face, I get more and more excited. It's funny what makeup can do, you go from looking like a dead rose to a sexy, but prickly rose. Of course you're not gonna be a rose that someone (a guy) can easily pick, you gotta have some sass and be a tease, it's all part of the act.

Next comes the eyeshadow; my outfit for tonight is gonna be purple and black so it'd make sense to go for that dramatic but sexy purple smokey eye look. Besides needing to be a prickly rose, it's crucial that you don't put yourself out there as "too prickly" if you know what I mean, like you can't be too sassy and scare away the guys, you just have to play with them a little.

I finish off my eye look with my sexy winged eyeliner and my butterfly effect mascara. Bless whoever invented eye makeup. I cover my face with my concealer, foundation and bronzer before buffing in my light pink blush and glossing my lips with sparkly pink pale lipgloss. Hell, I need to find the person who invented makeup period so I can praise the hell out of them.

I'm almost ready thank god, I don't know how much longer I can contain my excitement! I let my towel drop to the floor as I walk into my room unveiled and pull out my silver suitcase that weighed over a hundred pounds. I love doing what I do but this damn thing is a pain in the ass. I type in my password "BOSS" and watch my suitcase swing open.

This was a rather large suitcase so all of my "outfits" were hidden inside, they're all so magnificent, so... sexy, it makes my body go numb as I picture myself doing what I do in them, though I'm still a virgin I enjoy letting my mind explore what these outfits could drive me to do.

I carefully grab my "outfit" for the night, pulling it out as if it were some priceless Chinese doll and I didn't want to risk damaging it. As I sit myself on my bed, the first thing I do is pull my black, thigh high laced stockings up my bare legs and slip on my black bikini panties, (thongs have been on the list of panties I will NEVER wear again) and after that I step into my purple and black laced corset with the built in tutu that stops right at the trim of my stockings. I was beyond happy that I didn't have to wear a bra with this "outfit" because it already had a built-in bra with it.

I walk over to my mirror against my closet and look at the piece of art I put together, perfection I swear. The only thing I need to do is put on my bleach blonde Audrey Hepburn style wig (the one that's pulled up in a bun with her bangs hanging down and a tiara placed in the middle) and shoes; then after that I won't be "Jamie Fredrickson" for the next two hours, I'll be "Alexandra Peterson".

You'd be surprised what changing your identity for a couple hours can do to you, it definetly allows your demons that you've had trapped inside your soul come out to play.

I've learned that letting your demons out is suprisingly better than allowing your Angels to watch over you, because you see when your demons play... there's no rules.

A/N: So I wanted to do something different, I see so many "Magcon Sex Slave" stories which I definitely enjoy, but I didn't want to create a story with the same concept all the others have: Magcon Sex Slave. Of course I still want to keep the whole "sex slave" idea, but add a twist to it and make it different from the others... ;) you'll see. :* PLEASE VOTE/COMMENT and at the end of each chapter I'll put a short dirty/cute Magcon imagine.

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