"Honestly...I'm good. I still..."

"Did you eat lunch?"

"No, I didn't have time between classes and then I had to start the job hunt."

"Then you're not good. You're running on nothing but whatever you had for breakfast which was what by the way?"

"A granola bar."

"That is next to nothing." Decision made, I pull her down the street to Bison's. "This place has good food and we both need to eat."

She tries to retrieve her hand, but I can be mulishly stubborn according to my mother. I just keep dragging her toward the entrance and then inside. Andrew, the host, and one of the soccer guys, greets us.

"Hutch, good to see you. Table for two?"

"Yeah. Someplace quiet if you have it. I am not in the mood for signing autographs today."

"Rough practice?" Andrew asks as he gathers two menus and leads us toward the back of the restaurant. We're seated in the farthest booth in the back where the other tables are all but deserted. Perfect.

I just nod and slide into the seat facing the back wall. If people can't see my face, they might not recognize me. I'm not in the mood to deal with fans. I know they can make or break me in the NHL, but today is not a good day. I don't want to smile and pretend I'm their best friend. I love my fans, but sometimes a guy just wants to eat a meal in peace and chat with a beautiful woman uninterrupted. Even one he should leave alone.

"Why have you had a shit day?" Daisy asks and opens the menu, not paying me the list bit of attention.

Which is an odd experience for me. Most girls I know want the attention and will constantly do things to make sure my focus stays on them. Daisy doesn't care who I am. Hell, if it were up to her she'd be anywhere but here. My mom would love her.

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"Tough." She looks up, her green eyes snapping fire. "You didn't give me a choice so you don't get one either. Spill it buster."

I laugh. I can't help myself. After the shit day I've had, I needed that laugh more than anything, but I sober when she starts to get up.

"I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you. I've just had a really bad day and I'd rather laugh then sit here feeling like I can't do anything right. I've talked all week with Coach and I'm talked out on the subject."

"I'm assuming its about hockey?"

"Yeah." I sigh and lean my head back against the booth, looking up at the ceiling. "I..."

"Hey guys, I'm Ashely, and I'll be your server." I turn my head to see a pretty blonde smiling at me and ignoring Daisy, which doesn't sit well.

Daisy just looks amused.

"Can I start you two off with some drinks?"

"Daisy?" I ask, basically forcing the server to acknowledge her.

"You can't have sugar can you?"

My lips curls at the absolute horror of it all. "No."

"Then water is fine."

"You don't have to do that."

"I know, but my Grannie taught me better manners than to sit here and drink something you can't have knowing you want it."

Wow. Here sits an elusive creature or I've been dating the wrong kind of girl.

"Two waters is fine," Daisy repeats when the server doesn't move.

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