Ch1 Coincidence

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With the constant work on my laptop and the music blasting in my ears, I almost felt like I was sucked into finishing this project. It’s lunch hour right now. I’m sitting at some weird booth like thing in the highschool. And I was just blasting music and working on my homework once again. Just the usual. There’s this big project due this Friday but I haven’t really had any plans so I just decided to finish it during this lunch hour. Nor do I really have plans when I go home. I don’t have work today so I’m in the clear to do whatever. Most of my plans are for me to just be alone or talk with my mom. And speaking of her, I just got a text message from her. I was on my phone trying to change the song that was playing before it saw the text pop up and I opened it.

Mom: What do you wanna do for your birthday this weekend? Do you have any plans with friends or anything?

My mom is super sweet. She tends to be overprotective, but she acts dumb like a teenager sometimes. And It’s my birthday on the first of December. Which is in three days. My mom just likes to plan ahead. Usually we go out to dinner or something, but I kinda wanna do something different. I’ll see if she’d like to watch that horror movie with me this weekend or something. If I had friends, I would like to see that new horror movie this weekend with them, but I don’t. I’m not super into horror movies, but with the constant drop of movies during this October, it’s been slowly dragging me back into it. Especially with the Halloween movie. I was gonna text her back to see if she’d like the idea, but then the halfway bell rang for lunch. That’s my cue to chill on the homework and get some food. I just texted her back what was on my mind and then stood up, slid my laptop in my bag and then grabbed it and headed out to find some place to get something to munch on. Just wish the food here was actually good. People filled the hallways, talking with eachother and walking back and forth down the hallways to get lunch or to find their friends or something. Just the basic highschool. I didn’t recognise anyone. I’m an introvert. I would love to make friends or something, but I’m also very awkward and quiet. So I don’t really know anyone. Maybe some people here and there and some acquaintances. But it’s whatever. I passed by one of those bathrooms with the sinks on the outside facing the hallway and I walked over to just check on myself. I was just paranoid that I had my hair sticking up or something. I don’t wanna look stuipid. I still had music blasting in my headphones, so the sound of the surrounding students around me were silent. I walked over to that sink and looked up in the mirror. There was some girl next to me that seemed to be a bird, but I didn’t pay attention to her. And I was right. I turned on the sink and fixed that tiny bit of puff sticking out from my already long and puffy hair. I was a bear. I had dark brown fur with two sparkly little earrings. My eyes were blue and my hair was a slightly dimmer brown than the rest of my fur. I was wearing navy blue ripped jeans that showed some of my fur poking out, pretty long but really soft and comfortable long sleeved red shirt and a red flannel jacket with a black hoodie poking out the back of it. I honestly thought I looked kinda cute. Hopefully I did to other people too. Any boys, girls, enbys, I don’t mind. I think I’m pan, but I’m still trying to figure everything out. I like everyone, I just still have preferences and stuff so I don’t know. But that’s off topic about me. Save the love stuff for the novel I’m writing. I got ready to turn around and leave before I bumped right into some boy, causing him to not only drop his phone but then bum into another guy, too. They seemed fine and kept their balance, but I caught myself just before I tripped. I realised what I did and felt terrible. I tried to look up at them and apologize. “Shit! I’m so sorry!” I immediately apologized to them both. But looking up at them, my heart spiked. There was probably the most handsome and beautiful bunny and fox in front of me. They both seemed to be around my height. The bunny was a tad bit shorter. They both seem to be in my English class too. I kinda recognised who the fox was, but not the bunny. The bunny had beautiful ruby eyes and dark but yet sweet, fluffy fur. His fur was like a dark purple color. His hair was long and fluffy and was a darker purple than the rest of his fur. He had black ripped jeans and a somewhat baggy but yet really comfortable hoodie on. It had this pretty design to it with that made it look very comfortable. The fox had pretty marron fur that would mix together to create a pretty design for him. He had wonderful amber eyes and fluffy black hair. He was wearing a pair of scratched blue pants and a dark grey open jacket with the hoodie popping out through the back and a grey shirt underneath it all. His tail was long and a pattern of a fade from marron to a deep dark red at the end. Before any of them could even say anything else, a chick picked the phone that fell out of the bunny’s hand that was on the floor. She looked up at us and joined us. She was a bird. A beautiful yellow bird with shining light purple eyes. I’ve said that about all three of these cuties now. But she’s actually so pretty. She had these skinny black jeans on but with this detail that looked like a splatter of blue, pink, yellow, and red paint got all over the side of them, with a long slightly oversized yellow hoodie on. She had a big and pretty neat ponytail with some strands of hair hanging out in front of her face and her hair being a lighter yellow than the rest of her fur. She looked so pretty. “Yall good? Looked like you had a whole super slam.” She said, holding out the phone for the bunny. He took it and gave her a small smile. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention at all.” I tried to apologize again, embarrassed as hell. “Your good. Just scared the shit outta me, but it’s whatever.” The fox said. “It was an accident. Don’t worry about it.” The bunny reassured me, too. Their voices sounded so sweet and yet so calming. The bunny had this soft and laid back tone while both the fox and bird had a much softer but louder tone. I actually recognised them. I think they’re in my English class. I mean, I’ve interacted with them before in class and such, just not outside of it. We acknowledge that eachother exist, but we haven’t gotten to that point where we really have had a friendly conversation. The fox and bird are both in those popular groups. The fox hangs out with a lot of the well-known popular dudes. Most of them are loud assholes and some of the others are just talkative, which makes them hella popular. I’ve seen this bird hang with mostly the other popular chicks, but never really with any dudes. And from the bird and the fox’s first like interaction, it seems like they barely even know eachother. And that bunny, I think he’s just the quiet one. But god, were they all really cute looking? I just couldn’t help but see that. “I saw yall out of the corner of my eye and I thought there was a fight about to go down or somethin.” The bird said. Then The fox noticed something. “Well shit, now that we’re all here, I think you guys are in my English class.” He said, kinda skipping out of the whole accident thing. “Actually, yea. I thought I recognised you three.” The bunny then said. “Well then, weird coincidence that this happened with specifically us four.” The bird joked. I was worried that I cracked the bunny's phone. “I didn’t break your phone or anything, right?” I asked him, worried. He looked at his phone and huffed. “Just a small crack, but with how many cracks are already on this phone, it doesn’t really matter. I should’ve watched where I was going.” He apologized. “No, that’s definitely my fault. I got stuck in the wrong world for a moment.” I then said with a nervous laugh. “And I just so happened to walk between you two. So I slightly blame myself.” The fox joked. That bird girl just giggled. “Well fuck, now that we’re kinda all here, might as well introduce ourselves. My name’s Clem (Rockstar Chica).” The bird, Clem, introduced herself. Clem’s a pretty name. Probably short for Clementine. I don’t think I’ve ever met another Clementine before. “Reed (Rockstar Bonnie).” The bunny, Reed, then said. “Name’s Flint (Rockstar Foxy).” The fox, Flint then said. And then there was finally me. “My name’s Felix (Rockstar Freddy).” I finally introduced myself. “Well, nice to finally meet yall. I’ve seen yall around so much that I could tell something was bound to happen with us four.” Clem said with a smile. “Yea, I guess this was the weirdest way.” Flint joked, making Clem giggle. “And a pretty awkward way, too. Heh.” I huffed in embarrassment. “Nah, it’s all good, mate. Don’t sweat it.” Flint reassured me again. I just accepted their apology and tried to remain calm now. Clem noticed that after I bumped into Flint and Reed that my headphones fell out and were still playing music as they hung to the floor, still connected to my phone. I noticed and grabbed them and tried to turn off the loud music that could be barely heard. “Whatcha listening to?” She asked me. I answered honestly. “Some kind of pop rock music. I haven’t really made a playlist for music, so everything that’s been playing hasn’t been great.” I said. “Pop rock is half my whole soul. There was this band that played down at the festival it town last month and I snagged their whole album as soon as it came out.” Flint tried to strike up a conversation. “Oh yea, I went down to see them. I think they go to school down a little further downtown, but I’m not sure.” Reed said. “Their music was fire! I was down with my friends and I loved the music.” Clem said. I remembered now. There was a festival last month down town and some band called “The Starbounds” played pop rock that night. I missed most of the live performance, but I remember stopping by and watching them at the end with my mom. And those boys together were pretty cute, in my opinion. I wonder what they had going on with eachother. “It was pretty cool watching them play. Who was up on stage again?” I asked them. “Four guys and two chicks.” Flint said. “And those guys were definitely onto somethin on that stage too. Kissin eachother on stage.” Clem said with a giggle. “That was probably the best band ever to be at one of those festivals. Straight up rocked the shit outta everyone.” Flint said. “I might check out their playlist now that I know they have one.” I said. “You totally should. And if you need a pop rock playlist, I could send you mine or something.” Flint then suggested. I blushed slightly to that. I’m just joking in my head, but if there was a point where this guy liked my and wanted my phone number, that was a really good way to snag it. Kinda cute too. And I couldn’t deny the offer. “That’d be cool. What do you listen to it on?” I asked him. “Spotify, of course. Everything else sucks with their shitty settings and stuff.” He said. “Feel you on that.” Reed agreed with him, slightly giggling. “Well shit, send me it too, then. I have the worst taste right now for music, and I need to be dragged out of that rabbit hole.” Clem said. “Might as well get everyone’s phone number, then.” Flint joked. This felt so weird to me. Like, it hasn’t even been ten whole minutes since I’ve bumped into these guys and we’re talking like we’re all friends. It actually felt kinda nice. But it could just be a conversation thing or whatever. Maybe they’ll blow away after all of this. But right as he said that, we were cut off by someone shouting in the hallway right next to us. It caught everyone’s attention, and we all turned to look and see. It was some jock mother fucker messing around with some kid. And looking at that jock, he seemed pissed off, like this kid owed something. The kid, on the other hand seemed defenceless. He got pushed back as the guy barked at him, catching some attention in the halls. But the boy- or girl he pushed back seemed familiar. They were, of course, a student in my big English class, but something seemed off about them. They usually hid themselves and never talk to anyone, so I’ve never interacted with them. I’ve never seen them with people or anything in the halls during passing time or lunch. In fact, I’ve only seen him in class and that was it. But now that I could fully see them, I could actually picture them out. They seemed to have a burn mark on the side of their face. Like, something burned specifically around their right eye and down their cheek. Their eye even seemed pitch black. They were wearing black ripped jeans, a black jacket with a grey hood, and a dark red long-sleeved shirt that seemed fairly long and looked kinda comfortable. They had some bracelets on and a pretty cute looking healing necklace. They had almost all black fur and red long hair. They were a bear too. They actually looked kinda adorable in my eyes. And yes, I am aware I’ve said that a million times. But it’s true. After that guy pushed him back, he stumbled a bit and caught themselves on a wall. And that guy was not very happy with him. And immediately when we looked, I already could tell that Flint and Clem knew the jock. “You said you’d have it tomorrow, but you didn’t, then you said today and you still don’t! Your ass better get me my fucking change or I’ll fucking slit your goddamn throat.” The jock growled at him. That pained my heart. I hate seeing people get bullied at this school. Especially the quiet ones doing nothing wrong. “What the fuck is this guy doing?” Flint seemed confused but yet annoyed. Clem did too. “It’s fucking Tommy, fucking with another kid again.” Clem groaned. It hurt to see that guy getting pushed around. I wanted to do something, but that guy would just brush me away like I’m some trash. But Flint was not gonna let that slide. He quickly marched forward towards the action, giving Clem the chance to go with him, them both knowing the jock. Reed and I quickly joined them to help. After we walked out, we watched as the jock pushed the bear back again but he tripped this time and actually fell to the ground. “Hey!” Clem shouted at the jock, catching his attention. Then Flint joined in. “What the fuck are you doing, dumbass!” Flint called him. The jock was not letting him talk him down. “Fuck off! It’s none of your fucking business.” The jock argued. Flint and Clem pushed towards him and Reed and I quickly made our way to the bear’s aid as he tried to help himself up. “None of our business? Says the guy, screaming like he’s two years old down the hallway.” Clem argued. The jock wasn’t pleased. “Oh fuck both of you! It’s none of your goddamn business. Go fuck yourselves.” The guy argued with them. Reed and I quickly helped the bear to his feet, and he stood up. He glanced up at the jock and then looked down in fear. Their argument soon ended when the jock just gave up. “Fine, have fun with the little bitch. And next time I see your ass, Lefty, and you don’t have my money, you’re fucking dead.” He growled, beaming down at the bear, Lefty, before he turned around and left. Then that just left me, Reed, Clem and Flint with this Lefty guy. “You ok?” Reed immediately asked Lefty. Lefty didn’t seem to respond for a moment. “Yea… Thank you.” He thanked us with a pained but soft voice. “I’m sorry about that. That’s Tommy, and he’s a massive fucking dick that thinks he’s got the biggest balls.” Flint said. “I’m happy I’m not the only one that is aware of that.” Clem agreed with him. Lefty seemed to be unresponsive. I hope we weren’t making him uncomfortable or anything. I just wanted to make sure Lefty was fine. He seemed very weak. “Hey, are you sure you’re alright?” I asked him again. He seemed like he got weaker and weaker for a moment before he seemed like he struggled to stand. I panicked and wrapped my arm around him. “Lefty?” I panicked again. Reed helped me give him support to stand, and he stood there for a moment. “I feel really lightheaded.” He tried to explain to us. Then the bell rang for the end of lunch hour, but none of us moved. Flint didn’t seem like he wanted to leave us either. “Let’s find somewhere to sit for him.” Flint told us. Clem then ordered us in a direction to sit him down and Reed and I helped him over in that direction and we all walked together. This whole coincidence is the weirdest thing ever. I didn’t expect any of this to actually happen at all. Nor to any of these people that I don’t know. And this Lefty guy seems odd, too. I just hope he’s ok or something. And something tells me that this isn’t gonna be a onetime thing with these guys. I feel this weird connection towards these four. Like this isn’t something random that happened to us. Like it was ment to happen. But who knows? Just adds an extra chapter to my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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Rockstars (R. Freddy X R. Bonnie X Chica X R. Foxy X Lefty)Where stories live. Discover now