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I groaned. I hated getting up early but I couldn't show it. Jamil had waken me up and told me to get dressed. While I was forcibly dressed into my own clothing, I thought of methods I could earn Jamil's trust. But I have no idea so I think it's best to know more about Jamil first.

Gossiping with the maids here are easier than I thought. The first thing they said about Jamil is that he was handsome. They talked about how hard of a worker he is and that Jamil has worked in the household for all his life, his whole family was born to serve the Asim family. Not only that but Jamil has many other talents too. The topic then moved a bit towards Kalim but staying on track, there is nothing too personal about Jamil that the maids know about despite working with him for over five years.

Well, from my understanding so far, Jamil is hard working and very talented. He's been a servant for the Asim family since birth and Kalim is really nice to him so Jamil is probably rewarded with things that are more expensive than my jewels.

"Hello princess, are you lost?" The voiced surprised me, it was Lord Zatz, Kalim's father.

"Oh, I'm not lost, I'm just familiarizing myself with the place." I responded.

"Y/n, oh I'm so happy to see you!" Kalim walked up to me and smiled. Kalim grabbed my hand, "I couldn't wait to see you again but I'm too busy. I promise I'll be able to help you soon."

"Thank you Kalim." I say. I still wasn't comfortable that Kalim would hold my hand or be so nice to me but he was a genuine person, I liked that.

"Let's go Kalim, the princess must have a wedding to prepare. We'll leave you to it." Lord Zatz said and escorted Kalim towards the library.

They both seem so nice. Could they really not be hiding something? I feel as though I'm being used, not the Asim's. Maybe I should investigate what they might be really up to.
I remember Jamil showing me where Lord Zatz's office was. Down this corridor and to the right, third door on my left. I knock to see if anyone would respond but no one answered, the coast was clear. I quietly enter the room and closed the door. Time to investigate!

I search through the drawers, doing my best not to misplace anything. I look left and right, up and down, through the books and under the table. Nothing was here. There wasn't even a secret passage. I look down in disappointment. Maybe I was wrong. That's when I trip on the carpet. There a freaking lump! I step on the rug and thought, maybe there's something here.


A paper!

I look through the documents and there are suspicious transactions to an unnamed person. Interesting. I put the papers back and quietly exit the room.



"Jamil. What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you and a maid said that you were heading this way. What were you doing in Lord Zatz's office?"

"I was looking for him."

"For 30 minutes?"

Jamil was onto me. I had to make an excuse, but what it I told him the truth? Would he believe me if I told him I suspect there is something deeper in this marriage?

"I was looking for Lord Zatz but I accidentally knocked down a couple books and tried to organize them. It took a lot longer than expected."

Did he believe me? I look up at Jamil's gaze and I could tell. He didn't believe me.

"I'll let you pass this time but next time I will tell and there will be consequences." Jamil led me to the tea room. I would be having tea with Kalim's mother today, she would help me make decisions on the wedding.

"Oh my dear! Welcome. I'm so excited for the wedding. I have a variety of you to chose from, please take a look at the table cloths." Sharina, Kalim's mother, showed me the table clothes one by one and described each one with specific detail.

"What about egg shell or ivory? No, what about blood red and maroon? Wait, I like the gold more." Lady Sharina said. Despite her options and opinions they were mostly her opinions. I didn't even say anything and she didn't even give me a chance to either. I glanced at Jamil and he then said, "Lady Sharina, let's take a break from the table cloths and have some tea. I think that will help the princess decide much faster."

Jamil saved me. Well, not really. But he can easily tell that I was tired of Lady Sharina's opinion on my wedding. He was very good at reading the air and people's faces. I took a sip of the tea and it seemed fine. I know I should be happy about preparing the wedding of the dreams since I have unlimited money but I don't feel like this is my wedding.

"Have you decided on a table cloth yet princess?" Lady Sharina asked, "Not yet."

Lady Sharina continued to explore the table cloth options with me and she chose the grandest looking cloth with embroidered threads and jewels on the finest fabric. I felt like the decision took hours but it was more than that. After choosing the table cloth we chose the dishes and silverware or goldware. Then we chose the centerpieces for the tables. It was exhausting and it was already the end of the day.

"I will be excusing myself Lady Sharina. I will talk to you tomorrow." I walked out of the room and sighed heavily.

"Princess, shall I prepare some warm milk?" Jamil offered.

"No thank you Jamil. But I think you're right, I don't use the best of my abilities. Maybe that's why I'll never be offered the crown. If I only tried more to be less useless." I could feel emotions swirling inside of me. Why am I so useless? Why am I so weak?

"Princess, allow me to speak freely."

"Yes Jamil."

"I believe that you can still gain the throne. Just in a different way."

Little did I think of Jamil's words.

It's 12:30am and I finally finished the chapter but not my homework. I better finish it soon. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful year!!

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