Chapter 1: Admission

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I stared up at the white ceiling of my room. It was that dream again, wasn't it? I asked myself. I groaned and rubbed my eyes and sat up slowly.

"Oh, hello there." I saw a little blur of black, then a clear image as my eyes adjusted to the light in my room.

My cat, Tars, sat on my desk staring at me with his shiny green eyes. He had a look as if to say, 'You might want to get moving.' I noticed his glance at me, and I looked over at the clock.


My eyes got wide, I was running late! My admissions were in 15 minutes and I wasn't even out of bed yet!

I hopped up out of my bed and rushed to the bathroom to clean up a bit. I brushed my teeth and went straight to my closet to pick out what I would wear.

Something casual, but something that says, Hi, I'm new! without being too flashy. I decided on a green recycle shirt, dark blue jeans, and black converse.

I looked in the mirror and took a moment to study myself.

Medium length dark hair; clear brown skin; a cute outfit. I smiled. Straight teeth. "It'll do."

I looked at Tars and pet his silky head. He purred a little then hopped on my bed.

"Don't get on my pillow, you little squirt!" I tease. He made a face then, stuck out his tongue...but only to lick his leg. Sometimes, I think that Tars is just a person trapped inside a cat's body.

I ran down my hallway to my kitchen and grabbed a slice of toast. I used the grape jelly and spread it on and immediately put the bread in my mouth. I quickly  grabbed my book bag, and finished my bread.

I sat on my moped and took a deep breath. "Here's to a new start." I put the key in the ignition, and sped down the street, towards my new school.

I timidly walk into the corridor of the University. I gulp at the spacious room and I spun around to see the words 'MARVEL University' in mosaic tiles on the dome ceiling. I blinked, not thinking that this could be real.

"Excuse me, the seminar for the Leagues is this way." I was motioned by a blue lady with striking yellow eyes and orange hair to match. I tried to protest, but she insisted that I go. She took me past the reception desk, and down a side hall past one of the staircases in the common area.

We entered the wide room of unusual students. Some were using their abilities to tease others, some were talking to their friends while trying to find a seat.

I gulped. There were so many people. How was I going to make friends if everybody has friends of their own. Not to mention that I was entering this school in the middle of the second semester. I have so much work to catch up on...

"Hey you!" I snapped out of my worries and fears and saw a guy with dirty-blonde hair waving at me. I looked around, nobody was behind me. Was he talking to me?

"Yeah you. Come sit." I timidly walked down the stairs to where the man was sitting. I walked through the row and sat in the chair next to him.

"You must be new." I shyly looked over at this stranger. He had blue eyes, a square jaw and the kindest nature about him.

"Uh, yeah. I-I'm new." I said with a nervous smile.

"Well," he held out his hand, "I'm Steve. Steve Rogers." I shook his hand. "Are you looking forward to joining a league?"

"What's a league?" I asked looking around at the students.

"You know, like a group." I still didn't know what he was talking about.

"Like, the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Villain Squad, and the Guardians..."

I half-listened to him as I watched two men argue over a phone number.

"She gave it to me, you stupid oaf!" the one with dark hair barked.

"But she obviously looked at me, brother." said the other.

"I'm not your brother!" he whined. I smiled at their little bickering. The biggest one with long blonde hair took the number and tucked it in his binder. The one with black hair, looked over at me and narrowed his eyes.

I jumped and Steve put a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Loki's just a big drama queen." I look back over at the two, Loki pouting with his arm propped on the desk and his face buried in his green scarf.

"Who is the big guy?" I ask.

"Oh, that's Thor. He's Loki's 'brother'. He's part of the Avengers. Kind of Shakespearean, but a great fighter." I smiled at the two bickering brothers and I thought about my parents. They used to argue about pointless things, but made up in the end. They were tight.

I heard a loud sound from the microphone on the floor. The woman who ushered me in earlier spoke at the front.

"Welcome MARVEL University!" The room roared with cheer; some quite literally. "We all know what today is!"

"League Day!" the crowd responded. My brows knit together as a guy with brown hair and a goatee climbed over the seat next to me.

"Sup Capsicle!" he says.

"Hey Tony." The two men dapped a handshake. Tony climbed into the seat next to me and propped his feet onto the chair in front of him. He smiled at me then gave me a slip of paper. It has his number on it.

"Anytime." he says simply. He looks over and nods at another gentleman coming to sit next to him.

"What's up Bruce?" Steve greets. The man pushed his glasses on his nose and waved at Steve.

"Tony wanted to stay and work on his stupid missiles last night, and over slept."

"It's 9:40 Tony." Steve said cocking his head to one side.

He paused. "It was a really late night. Lots of fiddling with components and delicate parts."

The woman began again after the crowd got settled again. "Today you will present your Leagues so you can recruit  for next year." There was a murmur in the crowd of approval. "Now get to it!" She squealed into the mic. The auditorium seemed to come alive with heroes and villains alike.

"Come on, soldier. Let's get hammer-time and go present." Tony hopped up out if his chair and waltz down the row joking and teasing with the other students.

Bruce slid over to me and greeted me. "Bruce Banner."

"Genesis Redder." I said. He smiled. He looked a little older than Steve and Tony, but maybe it's just from the stress.

"So do have any abilities?"

"Uh yeah. I can control plant life." I smiled a little. I saw someone watering a flower pot down on the stage and I tilted my head and swirled my finger do the flowers twisted around in curls around the water can.

"Amazing!" he exclaimed. I smiled at his amazement. "Your powers are extraordinary!"

"Well thanks, I-"

"Can I take you to my lab? I need to study you on my table." he said his eyes wild with wonder.

My heart jumped. What?! "Ah, ah, um..." I was flustered.

"No, no, no! Tha-that's not what I meant!" he blushed wildly. "I-I'm a scientist and I work with Tony and we're trying to build a cleaner missile." he explained.

I smiled a little. "Oh okay!" 

He sighed. "L-let's just get to the League Booths."

We got up and as I followed Bruce out of the row and into the isle, I couldn't help to think about that Loki guy. What was his deal? I looked back to make sure he wasn't watching me or listening to my loud thoughts.

Sure enough, right when I looked back, I saw hollow grey-green eyes follow me out of the auditorium. But this time, he seemed intrigued.

Marvel University: A Marvel AU (Book One) // Under EditingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя