When the moment passed, Mike spoke up again. "Wait a minute...did you hear that? That- that sound? Boom....boom....boom!"

When Mike slammed his hand on the table loudly, the entire group flinched, Mabel holding a hand over her heart as she jumped in fright, the girl shooting Mike an irritated glare from the couch as she calmed down.

"That didn't come from the troglodytes, no that...that came from something else."

The boys shared anxious glances as they awaited Mike's next words.

As if on cue, Mike slammed another board game piece into the middle of the board. "The Demogorgon!"

The boys groaned in frustration at the phrase, Mabel raising her eyebrows in amusement as she shifted her gaze between each of them while they continued their game, finding humour in their over-exaggerated reactions.

Dustin defeatedly threw his hands up. "We're in deep shit!"

Mike glanced at Will as he shouted. "Will, your action!"

"I don't know!"

"Fireball him!"

"I'd have to roll a thirteen or higher!"

"Too risky, cast a protection spell."

"Don't be a pussy! Fireball him!"

"Cast protection."

"The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering!" Mike interrupted Will, Lucas, and Dustin's mini-debate. "It stomps towards you. Boom!"

Mabel widened her eyes at how seriously the boys were taking the fictional game—sure, she'd seen them play thousands of times before, but they had never been this engrossed. It almost concerned her.

"Fireball him, Will!"

"Another stomp, boom!"

"Cast protection!"

"He roars in anger! And......!"

"Fireball!" Will yelled as he threw the dice a little too far, the dice falling onto the floor due to the immense force Will put into the throw.

"Oh, shit!"

"Where'd it go?"

Each of the boys stood up quickly and began frantically searching for it.

"Where is it?!"

"I don't know!"

"Is it a thirteen?!"

"I don't know!"

"Mabel, legs up!" Dustin ran towards the couch, the boy shouting loudly as he began searching for the dice.

"Jeez, okay, okay!" Mabel exclaimed in brief fear as she hurriedly moved her legs up to her chest, watching Dustin search under the couch for the dice with wide eyes.

THE END OF THE F...ING WORLD, stranger thingsWhere stories live. Discover now