Chapter 2

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Hey people. Two chapters in one night? Yes. I hope you guys will like this one. I know I do! Anyway...Enjoy. ~LunaRue


Harry opened his eyes to find that he was in Gringotts and Hagrid had just taken the package from vault 713. Harry already knew what it was but didn't say anything. Harry and Hagrid climbed back into the cart silently and went back up to the surface.

That was when Harry turned to Hagrid. "Hagrid...May I speak with the Goblins real quick?"

Hagrid raised an eyebrow but nodded.

Harry turned to Griphook. "Teller Griphook. May I have the honor of talking with you privately for a moment?"

You couldn't tell who was more shocked, Griphook or Hagrid.

"Of course Mr. Potter. Please follow me," Griphook said after the shock wore off.

"I'll be alright Hagrid. You go on and wait outside." Harry said after assuring that he would be right back and that this was very private.

Hagrid hesitantly agreed and went outside to wait.

Harry followed Griphook to what looked like a conference room. Griphook sat down in a chair and motioned for Harry to sit across from him.

"Now Mr. Potter, what do you need?" Griphook asked impatiently.

"I-I would like to see my parents will and accept the position of Lord Potter," Harry said nervously.

"Are you sure Mr. Potter This would make you an adult in the wizarding world. You will be allowed to do magic outside of school/ You will also need to find a wife in two months, unless you already know who this will be," Griphook added.

"I accept those conditions and Hermione Granger is my wife to be." Harry said without hesitation.

"Alright Lord Potter. I shall be right back with your parents will and your heritage ring." Griphook said before bowing slightly and leaving the room.

Harry let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

Griphook came walking back in with a package in his hands. He sat down and put two rings with a golden phoenix surrounded by red flames on the table, one slightly bigger than the other.

"This is your ring Lord Potter. You are also Lord Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin ." Griphook said as he pushed Harry's ring forward. Harry was shocked as he put on the ring and watch in fascination as the ring resized itself.

"Now Lord Potter. I trust you can deliver this to your wife to be. The moment she puts this on, she will immediately become Lady Potter." Griphook said handing the ring to Harry. "This is your parents will."

Griphook handed Harry his parents will. Harry silently opened it after saying 'Thanks.'

Harry, our sweet child.

If you are reading this than that means that Voldemort has found us and that Peter Pettigrew has betrayed us. We are deeply sorry that you will not be able to grow up with brothers and sisters or that we will not be there. We love you with all of our hearts. Please do not forget that. If you are reading this than your guardianship should go to one of the following.

Sirius Black

Severus Snape

Amelia Bones

Remus Lupin

Under no circumstances should you go to Albus Dumbledore or Petunia Dursley nee Evans. Albus is a manipulative old fool and Petunia absolutely despises magic.

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