It wasn't long before they arrived at the girls' dorm and made their way to the conference room. Decorated with balloons and banners the room was a sight to behold. Board games, a cake, and Lyra's karaoke machine were placed atop a table. Arranged in a circle were several chairs filled with familiar faces. Stella, Mary, and Lucas paused their conversation as Lyra and Ken walked into the room.
Awkwardly waving, Ken took a seat next to Lucas as everyone continued to chat. Despite reconnecting with his friends, Ken still couldn't help but think of the missing member. The draining feeling of being absorbed into his thoughts made his voice stick in his throat. After a few minutes, a hand weighed on his shoulder as Lucas jovially exclaimed.
"You're being awfully quiet, buddy! C'mon, celebrate with us!"
"You have a lot of energy..."
"Why wouldn't I?! I get to share a break with my friends and I'm bunking with you tonight!"
Despite his words, Ken found his best friend's energy contagious and his tone became more confident as he found the voice that was lost before.
"I guess you normally stay home for New Years."
Satisfied that Ken's attitude was improving, Lucas rose to his feet as he continued.
"Yup, this is fun too though. So... Time for karaoke?"
"Not so fast! You gotta beat me if you want a turn! A legendary battle for our audience!"
Interjecting with a challenge after overhearing, Lyra narrowed her eyes on Lucas. Not one to back down from a friendly competition, Lucas showed a wide grin as he locked eyes with her. Ken shook his head as sparks filled the air and it was apparent that Lyra would get her showdown. Disregarding them, he looked over toward the rest of the audience that Lyra had referred to. Noticing that Stella had an uneasy look on her face while watching the scene unfold, Ken called out to her.
"You don't mind being an audience?"
Stella's head bobbed as his words reached her and she turned to face him with her usual smile.
"Not at all. I'm happy that everyone is having fun. That... and Lyra was making me play card games so she could win all of the chocolates that I brought back from home. At least this way I can save some treats for Sonya-Erk! I'm sorry!"
Concern filled her eyes as she realized that the words couldn't be recalled. Examining Ken's face, she was met with a reserved smile.
"Don't be. We don't need to be afraid of her name. She's going to be back soon enough. We should have another party with her next time."
Reassured, Stella unveiled a beaming expression before excitedly speaking.
"I agree! That's a relief. I was worried that you might still be upset. Although Sonya has said that she was doing better in her messages to me-"
"You've heard from her!"
In a volume that attracted glances from everyone in the room, Ken let a glimmer of panic slip in his tone. Faced with his overwhelming interest, Stella stammered as she responded.
"H-Huh? You haven't? I thought she messaged everyone..."
"I think you all should have your karaoke battle as planned. Ken, would you mind playing a game of cards with me? I could use a break and Stella will make a fine judge on her own."
Swiftly rising from her seat, Mary chimed in and plucked Ken from the conversation. The reprieve made him notice the worried look on Stella's face and he offered a nod to Mary before following her. On a nearby table, there were several games available for use from which Mary retrieved a deck of cards before inviting Ken to take a seat across from her. Once seated, Mary adjusted her glasses and examined the cards as she spoke.
"It's a bit childish, but would you like to play old maid?"
"I guess so. I remember the rules, I think."
"Splendid. I will deal. Place your matched pairs next to the card box."
Removing the queen of diamonds from the deck, Mary then passed out cards one by one until the deck was split between them. After they removed any matching pairs, Mary eyed Ken with a softened gaze and addressed him.
"You aren't the primary reason, but we did come back to campus early to check on you. You could try to have a little fun. Your draw."
Offering her cards face down, Mary prodded Ken to gauge his reaction. Ken reached out and took one of her cards and paired it with one in his hand before replying.
"I guess I've been a little on edge. Did Sonya message you too?"
"She did. Just to let me know she was doing alright. I take it that she hasn't reached out to you?"
Knowing that he wasn't included on Sonya's messages hurt, but something else was on Ken's mind. Seeing Mary's blue eyes evaluate him from behind her glasses, he decided to share his thoughts.
"No... But, I think I understand."
"Is that so?"
"I want to speak to her... More than anything. But... I'm also afraid at the same time. She might feel the same way."
Mary held out her cards again as they continued to play the game, but a small look of relief was evident on her face. With a brief exhale, she continued.
"It appears you don't need my advice after all."
"I'm not that bad am I? I do think I'm finally starting to understand her... But, that's not what tonight was supposed to be about. I'm sorry I've been a party pooper. I really do appreciate you guys looking out for me. This is a great party and I'm assuming you put it together?"
Taking his turn, Ken glanced at Mary and tried to make small talk. The atmosphere was becoming more relaxed by the second as Mary spoke.
"It was a coordinated effort. Although, I did take some small liberties in the strictness of the rules. There's hardly anyone here so I think it is appropriate. As far as looking out for you, think nothing of it. I would do the same for any of my friends."
"That won't stop me from being grateful. Let's finish our game so I can go beat Lucas at karaoke."
Fully investing in the revelry of the night, Ken was surprised to see Mary narrow her eyes at his suggestion.
"Not so fast, I wouldn't take me so lightly as an opponent."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
Mary made a stern expression as she once again offered her cards. Drawing one, Ken saw that Mary's mouth curled into a slight smile. Checking the card, it was the queen of hearts and since he had no queens, Ken knew that this was the odd one out. Obtaining the unwanted card was unfortunate, but he was more astounded by the grin plastered on Mary's face. She was fervently focused on winning the game and her skills at bluffing were a lot to be desired, he thought, as he tucked the card into his hand. While they continued exchanging cards, Mary cautiously attempted to speak.
"So... Are you planning to say something... important to Sonya when you see her again?"
The change of subject made Ken look up from his cards. He wanted to keep his attention on the party, but it seemed that Mary had a few questions of her own. Rightly so, he thought as he pushed fun at her.
"Wow. You really are a gossip, Mary."
Although he was being facetious, Mary's face turned a bright red as she avoided his gaze.
"T-That's not what I-"
"I intend to."
Firmly answering, Ken let silence follow as Mary tried to keep herself from showing a nonplussed expression. She was sure that this would be his response, but his conviction still made her pause.
"I see..."
"There is one thing though..."
Ken's words drifted off as he exchanged another card. Normally quite reserved, Mary let the conversation simmer for a few seconds before her own curiosity bubbled to the surface.
"One thing?"
Hearing her genuine concern, Ken shared the subject weighing on him.
"If I wanted to tell Sonya something important, is when she comes back really the right time?"
As she listened, Mary felt a familiar feeling swell within her. She cradled her chin with her fingers as she thought over the matter earnestly and eventually responded.
"Well... If it were me... I would tell her."
"Are you sure? What if it's the wrong time and she-
Stopping Ken's overly ambitious rebuttal, Mary clenched her fist while visibly holding herself back. Ken observed her for a few seconds before she started to speak in a careful tone that became more emotional with each word.
"Don't hold onto those feelings alone. If you don't share them when you can, then you might find that the right time is always in the future... and never within reach. You both should be honest with each other..."
Her words resonated with Ken and filled him with happiness, and yet Mary looked far into the distance as she spoke.
Ken called out to his friend who was wearing an unusual expression. Jumping at hearing her own name, Mary snatched one of the remaining cards from Ken's hand and slammed down her final pair into the discard pile before standing to address the room with crimson stained cheeks.
"Err...Um! That's just my opinion! That is my last pair and you have the queen, so I win. Who wants cake?"
The appetizing proposition was answered with cheers from the rest of the group and Ken was swiftly left by himself. Mary had returned to her normal self, so maybe he shouldn't pry, he told himself as he looked at the final card in his hand. The queen of hearts, the solitary face card remaining from the game glanced back at him with red eyes that matched the passionate nature of her moniker. Thinking back to his dream, Ken lingered his gaze on the card and he spoke under his breath.
"Looks like I'm still looking for you."

The rest of the evening was filled with enjoyment as the group of friends played games and sang well into the night. At the finish line, Lyra and Lucas had passed out folded over the table in their seats, while Stella was teetering in her chair trying to stay awake. Mary and Ken were left to clean up the room and Ken said his goodbyes as he half carried Lucas back to his dorm room. Lauding in the new year, Mary escorted her underclassmen to bed and retired to her room for some well deserved sleep.
Yet, before she did, she retrieved her cell phone and dialed a number. Over the next several minutes she reviewed the events of the night with particular focus on her conversation with Ken. Once she had finished, she pulled at the hem of her skirt nervously before adding.
"I don't understand what is going on, but I promised to help you out anyway I can. Although, I can't say I enjoy prying for information."
The voice on the other side stayed quiet for a lengthy amount of time before responding.
"Thank you, Mary. It's just... I needed to know. I couldn't ask him directly."
The ambivalent voice belonged to Sonya. Her speech was slow and calm in a way that made Mary uneasy.
"What are you going to do now that you know?"
Unable to control her inquisitive urges, Mary's question caused the line to go silent for a few seconds. Then, with a matter-of-fact tone, Sonya replied.
"What else can I do? I'm going to reject him."
Hanging up the call, an audible sound let Sonya know that she was alone once again. Moonlight cascaded across the darkened room as she clutched her shoulders and sighed. The light from her phone illuminated her face as she typed out a brief message. Her fingers hovered with hesitancy before she finally pressed the send button.
A distance away, Ken's phone buzzed as he slept peacefully in his bed. Unbeknownst to him, the importance of the message would change his life forever. However, for now, his first memories of the new year were filled with hope and kind smiles.

This Girl Is A Delinquent!, Vol. 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें