Chapter 6

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The scream also woke Chaos up. She had guessed that they found her little masterpiece outside. She didn't care how they felt when witnessing it. Not a single one of them chose to warn her about the danger she was in, so she wouldn't care to warn them about the fright they would receive. She stood up and washed her face. The water was freezing cold after being left for the night, which was perfect for revitalizing her. Chaos packed up her stuff and left the room. Coming downstairs she saw that everyone was sneaking glances at her. She just buckled her bamboo hat and left the key to the innkeeper.

Walking on the street she felt hungry and wanted to buy breakfast. She had come to enjoy eating meat buns. So she went to a stall that looked to be pretty popular and bought a few for breakfast. She also bought a bunch of plain steamed buns for the journey ahead. She rode out of the town slowly, so that she could eat her breakfast in peace, but she didn't expect to hear a cry for help. She thought that it was so early yet the helpless person was still so energetic that they could yell so loud. She wasn't in any rush so she meandered over there to see what was going on.

It was as she suspected. A carriage being besieged by bandits. She saw that the guards of the carriage were trying their best, they followed their training well, but they were clearly not as skilled as these bandits that had blood on their hands. Seeing that they were on the losing side she sent out a few needles at the unsuspecting bandits. She controlled her strength this time, she didn't want to hurt the guards as well.

The guards seeing the bandits drop around them were grateful for whomever had saved them, but they didn't relax their vigilance towards this new arrival. They saw that it was a person riding a horse. Although the person was wearing menswear they knew that this wasn't a man, probably not even a boy.

The mother and daughter in the carriage heard that the bandits had been solved by a passing martial artist and the hands that were tightly clenched slowly relaxed. The mother was very happy. She was coming to move to the new county where her husband had just taken up office. Her husband said he would come to pick her up, but she refused saying that she would just take some guards and keep things low-key so as to avoid being targeted.

Her husband was a little worried about their safety and sent a reply saying that he would send some of his guards to go as well, but by the time they arrived at the officials house, the wife and daughter had already left. They quickly sent a reply to the official and waited for their next orders. The mother and daughter had just left the town earlier that morning when they encountered a group of bandits. The wife felt that she was stupid to have brought so few guards with her. The group of bandits was enough to challenge them, and she finally started to feel afraid.

However hearing that someone had saved them she still had to come out and thank the hero. When coming down from the carriage she set her eyes on their saviour and easily saw that this was a young girl. She was surprised that the girl had the ability and courage to kill these bandits without any timidity. She quickly bowed to the girl, not caring about the difference in age or status.

"Thank you, young hero. We are incredibly grateful to you for saving our lives". The woman said sincerely.

"It's no trouble. I happened to be passing by and heard the call for help". Chaos replied in a calm yet sweet voice.

The woman heard the girls voice and knew that she was no more than a teenager. Surprised by her skill at such an age. She also felt the girl wasn't impetuous and could easily remain calm when speaking with her. However looking at the girls clothes she understood that the girl was probably from a wealthy family of some sort, perhaps one with a higher status than her.

"May I ask the young hero her name? I'd like to take the opportunity to repay you". She asked respectfully.

"My name is Chaos. You don't need to repay me, it wasn't troublesome" Chaos replied.

The woman wondered what kind of parents would name their child such an evil name, but she thought that this was the girls own business and she shouldn't delve into it.

"Well thank you Chaos. I wonder if you are headed towards Andel County?"

Chaos guessed that she wanted her to help escort them to this county. She had nowhere to be so she simply agreed with the woman's question.

"I do plan to head down that way. If you don't mind, would I be able to accompany you on your trip?"

The woman felt that Chaos was very clever. She could understand the meaning of her words, and allowed the woman to maintain her dignity without having to beg her to be their escort. She really liked this little girl more and more.

"We'd be honoured to have you with us. Would you like to ride the carriage with my daughter and I? she should be about the same age as you".

"I'd be happy to".

The guards had cleaned up the mess and those that were injured had quickly bandaged themselves. Hearing that the girl would stay, they felt much more relaxed.

Chaos dismounted her horse and to the woman's surprise Chaos was already a half head taller than her. She didn't notice it when Chaos was on the horse but now she realized that this girl would probably grow to be very tall when she was older.

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