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"My clothes are too... black," Ashton sighed as he rummaged through his drawers. I watched from his bed as various items of clothing fell to the ground in a messy heap. He had been doing this for almost 10 minutes, just trying to find something to start off his new style.

"Probably because this 'new look' is completely different to who you actually are," I groaned. I didn't understand why he couldn't just stay the same as usual and see how that turned out.

"Yes," Ashton said before turning around to face me, a grey shirt in his hand, "But she's worth it."

He flashed me a grin and I smiled back weakly as he turned back to his drawers and kept on searching.

"Ha! Finally!" He exclaimed, turning around to face me with a white tank top in his hand, a picture of a beach printed on the front. "This should do for now. I'll have to go shopping and get more clothes. Ugh, that means I'll have to take some extra shifts at work."

He threw the top towards me before attempting to close the drawer he had just wen searching through. Lots of shirts were hanging out of the top but he just ignored it and went to the drawer underneath where he began looking through his pants.

"What about these?" He asked, holding up a pair of khaki shorts. They were nice, but they weren't Ashton. "Mum bought them for me a while ago and I haven't worn them yet."

"Yeah, they're fine," I nod, and he gives me a thumbs up.

"I'll go try this on. Be right back!" He exclaimed, grabbing the singlet from my hands and running out of the room.

I sighed in defeat and rubbed my hand against my forehead, not understanding what was so damn special about this girl. Sure, she was probably the definition of perfect, but he shouldn't have to become a completely different person for her. The way he is now is perfect.

He sprang into the room, dressed in his new outfit and it just looked so wrong.

"So? How do I look?" He asked. Of course he looked good, but he just looked... off.

"You look fine, but it's just..."

"It's just what?" He asked, giving me a worried glance before walking to look at himself in the mirror.

"It's just not right, I don't know," I shrugged.

"Jordan. It's not supposed to be right. That's the whole point of this, remember?" He said.



"You look-"

"Ridiculous, I know," He sighed, trudging over and sitting next to me. "I just want to be what she wants, you know?"

It was horrible seeing him like this. He didn't deserve this. "Look, these guys she's dated. They've all been douches, they've all been the same, and she didn't stay with any of them for very long. Am I right?"

"Well, I-"

"Am I right?" I repeated and he looked taken aback by my sudden assertiveness. I was pissed off though, so I wasn't in the mood to take any shit.

"Yeah," He said quietly.

"Then why would you want to be like them!?" I asked, my voice rising a little without my permission.

"I don't know, I thought maybe she'd like me more!" He said defensively, still seeming confused by my sudden rage.

"Ashton. This girl keeps falling for the wrong guys. She needs someone different, before she completely loses faith in the entire male society. She needs a good guy. She needs you. Now, I am willing to help you fix up your game, but I will not help you change into something you're not. You can't lie to her, Ashton. You have to be yourself, because that's what she needs."

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