Chapter 1: The Encounter That Started It All

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Christine had woken up to a rather loud alarm. She then turned it off and stood up from her pink canopy bed.

She got dressed in a simple outfit. (Outfit above)

She went downstairs and saw a note on the dining table covered in food. She walked to it and sat down, beginning to eat. She picked up the note and read it.

To our Dazzling Daughter,

We have a busy day today sweetie. We will see you later. Do the family name proud and look your best.

Respectfully, Mother and Father.

She sighed, already used to them being gone.

She stood up and walked outside and to her bright pink corvette. She revved the engine and drove off to the high school.


She walked into school, instantly being greeted by everyone in the halls, teachers and students included.

A new figure joined her in a just as richly made outfit.

"Hey girlie!" Her best friend, Juni, greeted her.

"Hi Juni." Christine smiled.

"Cute outfit!" Juni exclaimed, looking her friend up and down.

"Great right? My mom got it at the mall last weekend." Christine twirled, to give Juni a better look.

They looked up as they heard some yelling.

When they saw who it was, Christine rolled her eyes, but Juni smiled and giggled. The girl had had a crush on the boy since the 8th grade.

Christine felt bad for the boy Flash was bullying. She was honestly so annoyed with people like that.

Without thinking she stepped right up to the group huddled around them and made her way through, paths instantly opening as people realized who it was.

"Shut up, Flash!" Christine exclaimed, her voice echoing around the now quiet hallway.

Flash was now staring up shocked, and a bit fearfully, at the girl standing before him. As was the boy Flash had been picking on.

"What did you say, Branson?" Flash asked, incredulously.

"You heard me. I'm done listening to you and your annoying voice try to put people beneath you. You're nothing but a bully, one that doesn't even have much to his name, so step away from the boy and go shove yourself in a locker, it would make a whole lot of lives much easier." Christine rolled her eyes, walking off as the bell rang, and the crowds dispersed.

Flash glared at the other boy, stalking off in another direction. The boy stared off at the retreating figure of the beautiful Christine Branson.

A/N: I hope you liked the finally updated story!

This is only the first chapter and I swear they will get better and longer!

I will see you all later!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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