Chapter 1- Concert Day Morning...

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Those were the first words I heard that morning. My mother screaming my name at the top of her lungs, all because I hadn't bothered to wake up and Rhiannon had already arrived at my house.

Days like this one, I wished she wasn't so efficient and on time.

I quickly threw my dressing gown on and tied my hair up into a messy ponytail, then walked down the stairs to see a smartly dressed Rhiannon sitting at my dining room table. Her hair was in a side ponytail and the tips of her hair were in cute ringlets which flowed over her shoulder. Her full fringe was perfectly straight and I could see her naturally golden highlights glinting in the light that poured through the dining room bay window.

"Decided to grace us with your presence have you Casey?" she said as she giggled and got up to give me a hug.

I gave her an evil sleepy glare, as if it were her fault that she had come to my house at 11am, even though I was the one that suggested it to her. She caught me looking at her and gave me a cheeky evil stare back, knowing exactly why I was being so grumpy. She laughed as she sat back down in her chair that was across from mine as my mum brought in our pancakes.

"Honestly Casey, you get so grouchy in the morning, at least look like you want to go to the concert today!" My mum scolded as she set my plate down in front of me.

"Well as long as you aren't a grumpy-pants for the concert later, you can glare across the table at me all you want!" Rhiannon said loudly so my mum could hear.

"Casey! I told you to stop it!" my mum called from the kitchen.

Rhiannon let out one her of her loud laughs, one of the one's that never tried to coneal itself, it just mocked you. Not that she had those sorts of laughs often, but when she does it can be rather infectious; which at the time was much to my dismay and I also started laughing.

After breakfast, I took Rhiannon upstairs to my room so she could help me pick out what ot wear as she knew more thn most that I am the world's most indecisive person, and we would have been standing there for hours if I was left to make the decision on my own. But there was also another crucial reason that I was unaware of at the time as to why I had to be looking my best for the concert.

"Casey...I have something to tell you about the concert today..." Rhiannon piped up with.

"And what would that be?" I said, not really giving it too much notice as I was on a mission to findmy cutest outfit.

"Well you know they had been selling meet&greet tickets for after the concert, but they were really expensive and I told you that they sold out really quickly so we couldn't get any of the tickets..." she continued.

By now she had really caught my attention and I turned around from my wardrobe so I could devote my full attention to what she was saying.

"Yeeesssss...." I replied, getting anxious and nervous about what she was going to say next.

"Well I lied to you and we are the only two people going to the meet&greet because they were never actually on sale, I won them from a radio competiiton and they will be playing an acoustic set before the concert for us and then after the concert we will be attending the after party!" she blurted out.

I stood there in complete silence from the immense shock of what I had been told and then I let out the loudest and most shrill screams known to mankind and then began jumping around my room in my pjs as Rhiannon looked on in awe of the reaction I was giving her. I don't think even she expected the level of reaction that, that surprise gave to me.

"OMG RHIANNON! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!" I shouted as I tackled her into a hug.

"You're welcome Casey! But please get off of me before you crinkle my clothes up, I have to look good for Niall!" she laughed as she tried pushing me off of her.

"Sorry!" I apologised "Ok now I need you more than ever to help me find something cute to wear for the concert, you're not the only one trying to impress the boys!" I giggled as I pulled her off of the bed and over to the wardrobe.

This was honestly the happiest day of my life so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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