Pollywog part 2

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The next morning we got ready to go find dart Dustin trying to get hold of everyone when Lucas answered

Meet us at the junkyard and bring binoculars and a wrist Rocket "

" come on "

We walked in the woods On the train track throwing meat on them kat was straight ahead while Steve and Dustin was at the back talking

" all right let me get this straight you kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who just met "

" all right that's grossly oversimplifying thing"

" why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway "

" an internmensional slug because it's awesome"

we'll even if she thought it was cool which she didn't I .. I just I don't know I just feel like your trying to hard "

" well not everyone can have your perfect hair all right "

It's not about the hair man they key with girls is just acting like you don't care " Steve looking at kat walking in front Dustin noticed

" like my sister do you care "

" yeah exactly drives them crazy but your sister she's different "

" how "

" well she smart caring and she doesn't care what people think of her "

" then you just wait until uh "

" you feel it "

" feel what " Dustin said confused

"It's like before it's gonna storm you know you can't see it but you can feel it like this uh electricity you know "

" oh like in the electromagnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere "

" no no no like a ... like a sexual electricity you feel that and then you make your move "

" so that's when you kiss her "

No whoa whoa slow down Romeo sore okay some girls yeah they want you to be aggressive you know strong hot and heavy like a I don't know like a lion but others you gotta be slow you gotta be stealthy like a ninja "

" what type is Nancy"

" Nancy's different she's then the other girls "

" yeah she seems pretty special I guess what about you and my sister "

"I don't know I guess I love her more "

" so have you 2 kissed "

" no never "

" hey guys we're here " kat shouted then both walking up

" oh yeah this will do " Steve said

We started throwing all the rest of the meat around the yard just hope this all works

Then Lucas and max turned up great we now have more to help us

We finished setting up and got in the old bus and waited until it got dark we were all going on check up and to see if dart was turning up and no sign yet it was pitch black and cold kat was sitting next to Steve

" so you really fought one of these before "

Steve noded

" and your like totally 100% sure it wasn't a bear "

" shit don't be an idiot okay it wasn't a bear why are you even here if you don't believe us just go home " Dustin said to max

Kat was leaning on Steve cold and shaking

Just you and me Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora