ʚїɞ │Bad Idea Fifty

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Song: I'm Yours

By: Isabel LaRosa

Dedicated to: Yahir, Emily, and Yarelly.

Dedicated to: Yahir, Emily, and Yarelly

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I'm watching Papa take another sip of his drink and Mama trying to subtly take it away

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I'm watching Papa take another sip of his drink and Mama trying to subtly take it away.

Reuben sighs before mumbling that he's going to find Denzel and Lilybeth. Angelina looks up at me and I give her a small smile.

"How about you go find Sebastian? Josie said they were here." I ruffled her hair a bit and she nods. I watched as she ran off to the backyard where the kids are seen running around and screaming with laughter.

I give one last look at papa before scoffing and walking away.

He couldn't have fucking waited until we were at least an hour into the party?


I look around for Malia and spot her in the kitchen with Josie and Mark. They have their backs turned to me and look strangely suspicious. As I walked over to them, I hear the sound of clinking glasses, and their heads tilts back a bit.

Great, they decided to step onto the drinking train too.

"Hey, guys...Myers." I cross my arms over my chest and watched as they slowly turned around with shot glasses in their hands.

Malia presses her lips together and stares up at me with those fiery green eyes.

"Want one?" Josie quietly offers and I stared at the glass in her hand before nodding my head.

Fuck it, one won't hurt.

Mark gets a new shot glass for me and Josie pours the tequila into it. Malia hands me salt and lemon but I shake my head at her. I drown down the shot and let the burning sensation distract me from the guilt.

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