"No, no, no. We are not criminals. In fact, the neighbors might be. Word got out that I'm ASAC Merkert's kid & boom everyone hated me."

"Well that's not right, my home is open to you any time!" I spoke before I thought.

           Y/N seemed shocked, maybe even put off. I immediately stammered & mumbled a flurry of babble, the first coherent thing being, "I-I-I didn't mean to sound creepy."

They seemed surprised by my worry, "No! It wasn't creepy- forward maybe. No, it was kind."

"I have a problem with being forward," I played it off, "I just mean if you ever need it, I'm here. I- the Los Pollos Hermanos family is here for you."

           Y/N smiled before turning to his son who was halfway through the cone. He grabbed the cone from the child which only led to tears.

"No, baby, you need to go to bed in a couple hours!"

           The kid only cried more, causing Y/N to panic. The cries drew the attention of customers.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Fring."

"No it's okay, it's my fault. I gave him the cone. If you'd like to head home then do so, you've finished your training."

"Okay, thank you so much, Mr. Fring. I'll be here tomorrow to start working."

              Y/N picked up their child & I handed him the small backpack his son brought. He quickly headed out the door & to his car. I couldn't help but stare as they walked away. Y/N opened the back door of his rundown car, setting the child inside. They hopped into the front seat & started their car. Well, to say that would be wrong, it didn't start. I didn't know if going out to help would be too much, seeing as it would prove I was watching them, so I waited. Y/N got out of their car & began walking back towards the restaurant after locking their car. I immediately turned to clean the booth's table to hide the fact that I was watching. I heard the doorbell ding as Y/N walked in, along with their footsteps which only grew closer.

"Mr. Fring?" I heard them ask in a defeated voice.

I turned to them with a bright smile, ready to help however I could, "Yes?"

"I hate to ask this but my car won't start up, do you think you could call me a cab?"

"Of course, but do you not have a phone?"

"I do, I had to end the service though with upcoming bills. Hopefully after my first paycheck I can solve that  problem but for now I have nothing."

"Do you think I could pick up some extra hours tomorrow for free & you could spot me this ride? I have no cash on me," Y/N looked ashamed of themself.

            Darling, let me take care of you, please. Oh, I would give you the most lavish life, you'd never have to worry, nor would you have to lift a finger ever again. Just let me whisk you away.

"Can I, at the very least, give you a ride home?"

"Sir, that is too much."

"No, it's truly nothing to me. We can leave in five minutes."

"Okay, if you're sure I won't be wasting you time."

"My dear, you are far from a waste of time."

             I returned to my office before heading to Y/N's car with him, retrieving their son & their stuff. I ushered the two to my car, Y/N's son groggily hopping into the back. I opened the passenger seat door for Y/N, they thanked me & climbed in. I closed the door behind them before heading to my side. I got in & started the car, pulling out of the parking lot. Y/N listed their address & let out a yawn as he leaned back in his seat. I stopped at a light & looked to my right to see Y/N peacefully sleeping. I smiled to myself as I turned back to the road. 

          Soon enough we arrived at the location of his apartment & I didn't want to wake him up. I looked up to see the run down apartment building with druggies sitting outfront. Oh I cannot let them stay here for long. I checked if Y/N was awake or in light sleep, no, they were out cold. I called Mike & soon he pulled up behind us. I carried Y/N & Mike carried his child. When we reached the apartment Mike picked the lock & I walked inside. It was a quaint apartment despite the disgusting walls & floors, clearly the landlord's fault & not Y/N's. I set Y/N in their small bed & tucked them under the covers. I wrote them a small note to clear things up & left it on his bedside table. Mike & I proceeded to leave & lock the door.

I turned to Mike once we got outside, "Get them kicked out of that building."


"It is not safe for them."

"Don't get soft on me now, Gus."

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