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Shadows spread through the dark sky with a full moon. Cries of children were heard. An old wooden wobbly house swayed along the wind as arms of the wall clock moved violently none stop. A brunette teenage girl appeared sinking inside the wooden floor. Pamela screamed loudly from an unknown destination.

Paul’s eyes peeled open. Frost clustered on his eyelids, his lips and body numb. The sight of the grey sky with a few birds came to his view. Misty gasps left his lips as he turned to face Pamela who had tucked herself inside his armpit, her warm arms around his waist. She was fast asleep.

He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. It had been a dream. A nightmare to be exact. His ears suddenly sensed movement setting his eyes open and his defenses up. The sight of a moose came to his view. A few distance from them it was feeding on the bush.

Pamela slowly started moving. Her tiny pale face moved out his armpit and stopped moving when she saw the moose. The moose seemed to sense their stare and galloped away. “Paul, did you see that?” she asked.

“Yes, I did,” he replied.

“It…it has long sticks stuck on its head,”

“Horns, they are called horns,” Paul corrected her.


“Yes, horns,”

“Horns,” she whispered.

“It’s called a moose,” he added. “That’s its name.”


“Uhm,” nodding.

“Moose, Horns,” she said turning to face her big brother. “Paul.”

“Yes,” shifting his eyes onto his sister who was looking up at him.

“Are you feeling better?”

A smile curled up his lips. “Indeed I am,”

She also smiled embracing him. “I am sorry,” she apologized.

Paul’s eyes widened at her reaction. “I am sorry,” her voice this time sounded shaky and remorseful.

“Pam,” he said, tightening his grip around her body.

The few birds circle around the sky. Their small boots left foot prints on the snow. The sound of his rumbling belly caught his attention. Walking around the snow aimlessly for hours without anything in their stomachs was starting to kick in.

He glanced at his sister who looked puffy and uneasy. Misty breathes leaving her pale red lips at every step she took. He stopped walking. “We rest here for now,” he said.

Pamela sank onto her knees taking out deep breathes. Paul on the other hand looked around for any sign of food. “Paul, was mother Theresa bad?”

Paul’s eyes widened at Pamela’s question. He felt his body stiffening unable to move a muscle. His dark eyes staring at the birds above the tree before them carry berries in their beak. “Was it why we ran away?”

“F…food,” he finally said. “There is food.”

“Food?” Pamela asked looking around.

“Yes, come let’s go,” reaching his hand toward her. She reached her small hand toward him as he held it. He helped her up. “Come.”

They started walking up the snow as they turn left near one of trees while Paul ran his eyes around.

“Where is food?” Pamela asked her eyes also scanning around.

“There!” Paul yelled, pointing at the bush of black berries with frost.

They both run toward the bush. Paul carefully started picking the berries avoiding the sharp thorns. Pamela eyes spotted the big berry covered by frost that looked tasty, hidden deep in the thorns.

She bit her lower lip and moved her hand in-between the sharp thorn and finally reached for it. She pulled it out, it coldness rushing through her fingers. The thorn traced her pale finger. “Ouch,” she cried softly.

“Let me see,” Paul said turning to face her. He gently held her hand inside his hand, his eyes examining her finger which was leaking blood.

“I'm bleeding,” she said her eyes widening in fascination.

Paul pulled off his scurf from around his neck and wrapped it around her finger. “Hold it and you'll be fine,”

He then turned way and proceeded to pick the berries and put them inside his coat's pocket, while Pamela stared at her bleeding finger buried beneath the coat.  It smelled, soo…so divine and ape… moving it closer to her mouth.

“Pam!” Paul yelled, his eyes on her. “Don’t bite.”

“I bleed,” she said her eyes staring at Paul.

“Everyone bleeds,”

“It…it smells…”

“Don’t smell it, leave it,”

She didn’t answer as she moved her hand away from her mouth. “Here, have some berries,” handing her the berries.

She took the few berries from Paul’s hand as they sat down. Paul stared at her sister who was leaking her hand full of purple berry juices. “Are you done?” he finally asked.

She nodded. “Are you still hungry/”

“No, I’m full,” she replied with a smile.

 “Good cause we have to keep moving,” getting up.

She also got up and held his hand. He tightened his grip as they move up the snowy ground. “Paul, where are we going?”

“Paradise, where we will be safe,” he answered.


He nodded, “Yes, safe,”

“Will there be other kids?”

“Yes, all the children will be there,”

“Even those we left behind?” she asked.

Paul’s eyes widened at her question. “Why did we leave them behind? Was mother Theresa bad? And those men? Were they also bad?”

She looked up at Paul, waiting, waiting for answers. Paul immediately stopped walking and took out an unease sigh.

“Yes, mother Theresa was bad,”

“Barba Yaka bad?”

He nodded. “Yes, Barba Yaka bad,”

“The other kids? Why didn’t we bring them along?”

“We couldn’t,”

Her eyes widened at his answer. “We wouldn't have made it if we had taken them with us,”

“The men?”

“Them too, they were Barba Yaka bad,”

Her face dimed and tears gathered in her eyes. “They were going to take me? They were going to take me away to the Barba Yaka,” she cried.

Paul turned to face her as he embraced her. “They were going to take me to the Barba Yaka!”

“Shh, no one us taking you anywhere,” he sounding upset. “No one.”

“I'm scared!” tears running down her cheeks which had turned pink. “I'm scared Paul!”

Paul tightened his grip around her even more. Tears also gathered in his eyes, making his vision appear blurry. “Don’t be,” he assured her. “Don’t be Pam, I’m here.”

Author's Note
Still following? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What ur thoughts on this chapter?🌸

PARADISE: WRATH OF CHILDREN [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora