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The drama club I was in had a show the next day and my role was stupid tree and the scene had a windy day so when I started swaying my arms someone gave a standing ovation from the audience

Liam: (cheering) best actress ever that's my girl

Yumi: (in mind) what was he doing, after the show he came over and gave me a bouquet of flowers and a gigantic teddy bear.

Liam: Babe you know what there's something wrong with my phone it doesn't have your name in it

He wouldn't leave until I put my number in his phone.

The next day while I was walking to school i noticed a familiar sports car following me

Ryan: Hop in princess

It was Ryan this time I got in let's see what his deal, is during the ride I spilled my coffee over his squeaky clean dashboard on purpose

Yumi: Oops sorry I'm just so clumsy(in mind) I was expecting him to get mad about it but Instead he reached for some tissues and cleaned my hands with them I found my self staring at him while my heart raced, NO NO NO it was all just an act, get a grip Yumi. When we reached school he helped me get out of the car

Ryan: Ride, Slow down

Yumi: Geez I'm not blind

Ryan: Seems like it sometimes.

(glared at him)

Yumi: Is there something you want to say?

He just flashed a big smile and turned to fix his hair In the car window, So annoying. I walked off to class halfway through the lesson when the teacher had her back to us someone from the table next to me whispered I look up to see was Liam.

Liam: Why'd you come here with Ryan, you know guys like him are jerks will just break your heart you know I'm totally serious about you, then he kissed my hand

Yumi: Oh please how serious are you?

Liam: There's no number to express

Yumi: Then prove it to me

Liam: Sure baby girl, but how?

Yumi: I'll tell you about it at launch

Liam: I can't wait I swear, I'll do anything for you.

Just then the teacher kicked him out of the class for making all these noises everyone giggled but he didn't look the least bit embarrassed he winked and walked off, Launch time came and he was already waiting, I wanted to ruin his reputation especially in front of the girls so I whispered my dare to him and his eyes grew wide

Liam: If I do it will you be my girlfriend?

I nodded he immediately walked to the front of the cafeteria jumped on a table and shouted

Liam: I have something to confess I wet my bed every night and i don't know how to do anymore


I made the 3 school billionaire heartthrobs fight over me. Where stories live. Discover now