He took a shower after and Billy entered aswell

When they were saying about Nancy and Jonathan

Steve just looked Billy looked at him

" don't sweat Harrington a pretty boy like you has got nothing to worry about plenty of bitches in the sea I'm sure you friend kat will be there for you if I don't get to her first " Billy said making Steve look at him angry

" dont you go near her "

" or what Harrington I heard she ain't talking to you so maybe I will make my move "

Billy walking off

Kat got home from school

" hey hunny "

"Hey mum "Kat said walking up to her bedroom she just wanted to sleep she hasn't been speaking to Steve but trying to call and coming to the house having to make mum or Dustin tell him I ain't here it's hard not seeing him I kinda miss him I turned over and saw a picture of me and Steve way before Nancy but ever since he got with Nancy it was different he turn in to a douchbag but when he was with kat he was just Steve wanting to cuddle and watch horror movies

Dustin door slammed meaning he just got home from school aswell kat decided to go for a nap mum went to bingo with her fiends and wouldn't be home until late as they got for something to eat after so it was just her and Dustin home alone

The next morning
Kat woke up and walked downstairs Dustin on the phone and mum calling for that cat

Hey hunny have seen mews "

" no not today sorry mum "

Kat eating cereal

Dustin called someone to see if they seen mews

" thank you so Much mr mccorkle thank you so much you are a true lifesaver all right that was great thank you alright have a good one bye bye now all right you too "

"Alright great news "

" they found her "

"No but they saw her wandering around loch Nora "

Kat looked confused

" how did the poor baby get all the way out there "

" I don't know lost I guess but they're going to look for her and I'll stay here just in case they call again and you're gonna go help look yeah "

Mum giving him a hug crying walking out the door

Dustin looked at kat

" what "

" your such a liar "

Dustin sighed

" where is she really "

Dustin took kat in his room where mews were her guts hanging out and blood everywhere and the smell

" what happened to her "

" dart "

"Dart who's dart "

"He was an animal I find and I wanted to keep as a pet but when I came back I found him eating her with his mouth opened then he ran out the window "

Kat looking at the smashed window

" you kept a creature that killed our mums cat what were you thinking "

" I don't know I just found him and wanted to keep him "

" well a creature having its mouth opened sounds like something from the upside down "

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