episode 1 : "welcome to booms"

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Its finally time to say goodbye to my old home in missouri, oh how I'll miss having snow days
but dude I'm moving to cali now I'm so excited
but I am afraid how kids will act around me
But I shouldn't worry too much about it I should just be happy for my dad getting a new job he deserves it

the next day

"Hey will you stop slacking off and help your dad unpack" my dad says as he starts opening boxes
"Yeah I'll be right down!!" I say as I open the box in front of me, I see a photo of my mom and me when I was a baby, she looked so pretty "I miss you mom" I say as I look around at my new room "so looks like this is going to be my new room, nice purple walls" I say as I unpack and start organizing my room

an hour later

"Hey y/n come over here" my dad yells at me

"Yeah what's up?" I say

"Here's the school you'll be going to tomorrow" he says as he hands me a paper with a schedule and school name/id

"Booms huh what an interesting name" I say as I look at my classes, guess I'm finally a cali kid now
no more hearing country music almost everywhere
at least that's one thing I'm glad to be leaving behind back in missouri, I really hate country music a lot

next day

"Rise and shine big boy it's time for your first day at booms!!" My dad says banging on my door

"ok I get it can you please leave me alone to get dressed" I say with a slight chuckle

"Ok but if your not dressed and ready to go by 7 I'm taking you to school however you are" he says

"and what if I have no pants on?" I say raising one of my eyebrows

"Then your going to school without pants on" he replied

"Ok ok I get it, be dressed and ready by 7" I say

"Good now I'll leave you alone" he says before leaving my room

at school

things are so weird here, probably because I don't have my two friends running towards me yelling my name at 7:30 in the morning, man I do kinda miss that but I mean we still chat online so that's good
anyways this schools kinda confusing "where is my first class?" I say looking down at my schedule confused I look around seeing if I could find my class

"are you new here?" A voice said to me

"Ah yeah, could you mind helping me find my class?" I say as I look up to see a boy with dark hair and brown eyes with the biggest smile on his face

"ah class 102 that's right over here with me!" He says pointing to the classroom on the left

"I'm parker by the way" the nice boy says
"I'm y/n nice to meet you" I replied back

"MOVE IT VAL'S COMING THROUGH!!" a girl screamed with a science experience with her
she placed it down on the bench and looked at me

"man I really thought we would be getting another girl at booms but looks like it's another guy" she said all disappointed

"You knew there was going to be a new kid today Val?" the nice boy named parker said

"Yeah ever since you came to booms I'm kind curious on when we ever get new kids or what not" she says

"Interesting" I say

"anyways care to tell us about yourself?" she says

"Sure, we'll my name is choi y/n you can call me y/n I am korean american and came here from missouri with my dad because he was offered a good job here"

I say all shy, I'm not the best when it comes to introducing myself I normally get too shy and choke

"Ooh your korean american that's really cool" Val says

"well I hope you like it here in california y/n" parker says giving me his hand to shake which I do shake

"well hopefully I enjoy it here at booms too" I say

"don't worry you will love it here at booms" Val says

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