Coincidental Meeting

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Swan sat on the beach, sorting the shells she had found. She examined each one carefully before putting in her pouch. She finished sorting the shells and was about to go back into the ocean but something caught her eye, a cave. What if there are shiny things in there?! She thought, the prospect of gems convincing enough to make her fly to the cave. She landed at the mouth of the cave and lit up her scales as she walked into the dark.
       She headed directly to the back and poked around for anything glowing or sparkling, her seashell pouch bouncing gently against her side. She was disappointed not to find anything and turned to leave, she raised her eyes to see a dragon silhouetted at the mouth of the cave.
       She jumped back into the wall and winced as her tail scraped against the rock. The dragon took a step closer and blew fire to illuminate the cave, definitely not a Seawing she thought as she shrunk against the rock wall. The dragon stopped and asked "do you even know where you are Seawing?" Swan gulped and straightened up a little, the other dragon was a bit taller then her and radiated importance. "Um... not really" she went over the geography of Pyrrhia in her head and realized she was on the Skywing-Seawing border, really close it Queen Spinel's palace. "You are on Skywing territory, I will have to escort you off the territory or if you refuse I will have to force you off" He told her in a threatening tone, he backed out of the cave, leaving her space to leave. She inched out of the cave and stepped back into the light. Her scales stopped glowing and she stared at the Skywing in front of her, there seemed to be something different about him. His scales shined in the light like they had just been polished and he had quite a bit of golden jewelry on.
       The Skywing guard gestured for her to start flying so she took off and flew down to the beach,frequently glancing back at the Skywing. He landed next to her on the sand and nodded to her. "Make sure to stay in your own..." he trailed off, he met her eyes and seemed to pause before shaking his head, "territory." He finished. Swan smiled nervously at him and thanked him before diving into the waves. She watched from underwater as the Skywing stood still for a moment -staring at the ocean where she had disappeared- before flying back to the mountains. I wonder what his name is.. She wondered before swimming back to her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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