"Lets go home.." Shigaraki said. "But first..." I blinked and he was in front of me, reaching for my head. "Lets destroy the Symbol of Peace's pride!" He stopped suddenly. "You really are so cool..." he growled, shifting his gaze back to Mr Aizawa. He had activated his erasure quirk, despite being beaten up so badly. Suddenly Izuku appeared, firing a punch at Shigaraki. I shielded my eyes, bracing for the overpowered punch's aftermath, But felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see the Bird villain, Nomu, had blocked the attack. Izuku and I stared in disbelief. The Nomu grabbed my leg, slinging me away quite a few yards. I landed on my back, instantly gasping and feeling a metallic liquid in my mouth. My arm bones retreated back into my body  due to my muscles seizing up. I looked back and He reached grabbed Izuku, ready to fling him as well. I tried to lift myself up, when suddenly the entrance doors blasted open.

All Might. 

I Breathed a sigh of relief, my eyes attempting to water. He quickly jumped down, sweeping up Mr Aizawa faster than my eyes could process. Then in another blink he had me, Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta tucked under his arms. He set us down, ordering us to quickly carry Mr Aizawa up to safety. I wiped the blood from my mouth. Something felt off, and judging from Izuku's look, I was right. We hesitantly picked our unconscious teacher up and started to carry him off, All Might assuring us it was ok. All Might started to fight the Nomu, but it was obvious his punches were doing nothing.

"Izuku.." I said nervously. "his attacks ar-"

"i know," Izuku said in a firm voice. Shigaraki started to brag about the Nomu, like it was a flashy toy or something. All Might grabbed it by the waist, Bringing back to slam it's head into the ground. Only.. the warp villain opened a hole. The Nomu's upper half was coming out under All Might. He had our hero in a tight grasp and was digging he fingers into his side, causing all might to bleed. They both started to slowly sink into the vortexes. Izuku suddenly took off running towards them.

"Izuku no!" I called out chasing after him. I was scared. Im not going to lose my best friend to this! I chased after despite the sharp pain in lungs. My bones may not break easily, but the rest of my body had gotten hit hard from being slung. Just as I was about to grab Izuku's collar, another hole appeared in front of us, both of us about to fall in. Suddenly we were both grabbed and flung backwards. 

"Out of my way you damn nerd!" It was Kacchan, and he had the warp Villain pinned down by the nack armer. Ice started to creep up the Nomu. I looked over and Shoto was walking up.  Kirishima jumped in, swing attacks at Shigaraki, who easily dodged. All Might broke lose, and readied himself.

"You guys!" Izuku gasped in shock. I stood up, my body aching. I was reaching my limit. My arms and back were screaming for me to stop. I retracted my scorpion tail, trying to slow down the oncoming muscle paralysis. We stood around the Nomu and Shigaraki.

"Try to move and i'll blow you to pieces!" Kacchan threatened the warp villain with a devilish smile.

"that's not very heroic," Kirishima pointed out. I wanted to giggle, but this was not the time. I focused my attention back to the attackers in front of us. Shigaraki was almost... calm. It was unsettling. 

"Nomu," he commanded.  Nomu broke himself in half, freeing from the warp gate. He started twitch and trying to stand.

"he can move?!" I gasped. He started regenerating his broken off body.

"I thought you said his quirk was shock absorption?" All might Growled. 

"I didnt say that was his only quirk..." Shigaraki smugly admitted.  All Might clinched onto his bleeding side. Suddenly Nomu focused his attention to me and the guys.  He started charging, and fear hit me like a bullet in the heart. He was headed straight towards Kacchan! I tried to move, but my shaky legs almost dropped me, the muscles being affected by the repercussions of my quirk. Nomu reached for Kacchan, and my stomach dropped as Izuku called his name out. There was a huge blast, knocking me to my knees. I was ready for the worst, when I noticed Kacchan was suddenly beside me.

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