"We get it, we get it. You can't trust me and that's understandable. To be honest, I hoped we might've gotten over that hurdle after the past couple of days of travelling together but it's… Expected," I paused. Pulling my hand away from his face, I huffed out a breath and crossed my arms. "My task is to remain inconspicuous and keep my winds around the room to collect any useful information. I am to keep an eye out for potential threats and wait for you to come to me when we are done here. Satisfied?"

Scaramouche searched my eyes for something before eyeing our surroundings and giving me a curt nod. At that, we parted and proceeded to go about completing our own respective parts of the plan. He intended to get himself a meeting with some of the Eremites here and buy any information he could get. He made a point of emphasising that his method of 'buying' didn't involve mora so I only hoped we wouldn't be chased out of this tavern for causing a scene. In the meantime, I was to remain on the sidelines and be his support. Shouldn't be too hard, right?


It would have been fine if I hadn't found myself on a stool at the bar where an array of drinks practically begged me to be tried. It was almost as if this one empty stool was destined to be occupied by myself.

I grinned at all the fine bottles of wine and the shining glasses that sparkled from behind the bartender. For some time, I really did follow the plan but it was a dull time and soon I was more than bored.

Glancing to my left and right, I noted all the various drinks in front of customers that sat untouched. My face twisted into a scowl at the reminder that my pockets were empty and I was here for an important reason that didn't involve drinking.

I sighed in despair and glanced at my right to the man who swirled the liquid in his glass with a distracted expression. He was tall and impossibly muscular. The black top hugged his six pack beautifully and I found myself studying his face intently. An Akasha terminal was present in his ear and he was dressed particularly formal for a night at the tavern. The silver of his hair contrasted the sage green of his eyes. If it weren't for the grim expression pulled onto his features, he might have been more appealing. He looked academic and rich.

"Is there a reason for your staring?" he asked without turning to me.

"No. I just want your drink if you're going to keep swirling it and glaring at it instead of actually drinking it." My answer was so honest he seemed to deem me worthy enough to look at.

The gentleman regarded me with a concealed expression, running his gaze up and down me before zeroing in on my face with narrowed eyes. Some form of recognition clicked into his eyes and I felt an uneasy sensation under my skin.

"You're that girl in those wanted posters everywhere," he informed me.

"What a keen observation," I retorted.

"You're not even going to deny it?"

"Why would I? You're not drunk enough to fool," I said with a nonchalant shrug.

"What if I told you I was going to hand you into the Fatui Agents outside? The reward is quite enticing."

"Ha! You can sure try," I snorted. "Besides, what do you need money for anyway? You're already wealthy enough."

At this, he tensed. The smirk on my face grew as my intimidation strategy was put into play. Whilst he was busy talking down his nose to me, I was being given information on him by the whispering winds. They handed over all sorts of secrets and details about him that I could use to my advantage

"What makes you think I'm wealthy?" he asked with a casual tone.

His eyes were back on his drink in attempts to conceal his growing uneasiness. It was futile. He had fallen into my trap now. Even his eyes couldn't entirely cloak his wariness.

A Truth For A Truth ( Scaramouche X Fem Reader )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя