Chapter 1: Breaking Free

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I hate my name. 'Ellie Sanders'. Not only does it kick the rest of my families tradition of Chinese names in the balls, but I have to carry around my dad's last name wherever I go – I can't escape it. Seriously considering just changing my name, but I know that would start drama in my family I really can't be bothered with right now.

Slamming my laptop screen down, I groan and full the strings of hoodie - cocooning myself in it's little warmth - it's so fucking cold. I decide against sending yet another email to my shitty landlord - I know he's ignoring me on purpose, trying to get me to fix the hearing myself. I mean, I would if I could,  but I don't have the skills or the money to get it looked freezing my ass off it is.

I'm ignoring someone of my own as it is - my father. Persistent on now being present in my life now he's fallen into money, beats me how, he was always the brute with no brains with my mother really pulling the strings no matter how sweet and timid she chose to appear. She's still my mother and I love her, but I just can't shake the feeling I'm falling into a trap whenever I'm talking to her, which is why I'm currently 'flooded with shifts and Uni work'. Which isn't entirely a lie..but I still manage to have free time as it's only my first year.

Speaking of - oh shit - missed call from Yu Ling. I quickly call her back, already fearing my best friends wrath- she's a tornado turned human I swear...

She picked up on the third ring "El? Where are you?"

I was silent for a moment before tentatively answering "...Home?"

"Ellie I swear to god if you don't move your ass I'm forgetting my wallet on purpose."

"Right, right...I'm sorry. I was just emailing my landlord and-"

"Yeah, yeah excuses, excuses. I'm on my way there already, so you better be there in 15 or I'm going in without you - you know it wasn't easy to get into this place!"

"I know! I'm nearly ready, I promise." I hear her scoff from her side of the phone and ends the call after reminding me yet again to "hurry the fuck up".  I scurry to put on the outfit she helped chose for me already, as I am hopeless at clothing in general unless its my favourite jeans and a random T-shirt - but apparently that doesn't cut it. Some simple black thong and matching bra to make sure I have no lines on my yet-to-be worn red velvet dress Yu Ling insisted would be perfect.

It hugs my body enough that I wouldn't be able to run or do anything crazy in it - not that I would trust myself to do anything close to exercise in the heels I slip on anyways. I grab my black purse with my ID and emergency makeup already tucked away, and throw my keys in before closing the door behind me.  Luckily I was forced into a FaceTime call that Yu Ling unfortunately had to run to get my makeup, hair and earrings chosen and executed as she knew my skills in that area are just as bad as my time management.

Waiting a few minutes for my bus was already making me regret not bringing a jacket. So what if if doesn't match at all? But I have a feeling Yu Ling would hide it in some bush at the first side of it - so no pain no gain I guess. It's only a few minutes wait for each bus going in to town so I don't have to wait long until I'm on the bus, and stepping yet again into the breezy night air.

Shamefully checking my Google Maps a few times I finally arrive at the notoriously exclusive club I'm meeting Yu Ling at - but it doesn't surprise me in the slightest, that girl could talk herself into Buckingham Palace if she tried. I finally catch sight of her purple-and-pink bob, nearly blinding myself as practically every light around reflects on the adorable golden stars she has featuring in her hair, matching the striking gold metallic dress she's featuring in tonight.

We run up to each other when she spots me, laughing as I congratulate the Birthday girl on her awesome looks and ability to get us invited here.

"It's nothing!" she waves me off, chuckling, "Now, come on I'm not spending the night out here - let's make use of open bar!"

My eyes widen as she drags me towards the bouncers - and the entrance. "Open bar??" I question, shocked.

She laughs at me again while explaining, "Yeah...while I was waiting on your late ass, I overheard that some rich guy decided to get generous. Hey - maybe he knows it's my birthday!"

I grin at her as she introduces us to the bouncers, and grabs my hand to lead us inside. I glance over at her, noticing shes starting to look...guilty.

"...Yu Ling? What exactly aren't you telling me?" I tease. I know she's up for more fun stuff than me but she knows I'll go along with whatever catch tonight has, for her. The drinks on fire? Maybe it's a masquerade?

Her guilty smile tells me it all. "You'll see." She sings, as we walk down the hallway to the first floor of the club, "I have a feeling you'll either love it or hate it - so feel free to ask me to leave if you feel uncomfortable, okay?"

"Of course I'm in - it's your birthday bitch!" I promise as we finally get to the first room I can see of the club. My jaw drops as I take in scene in front of me...There's men and women in varying degrees of clothing...and even a few with collars around their necks. Oh my god. I feel a flutter as I see some women on their partners knees...or on their knees.

This is going to be one hell of a night.


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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