Ben 10 What If Ben's Daughter Had To Save The Future

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Gwendolyn got up out of her bed too upset to stay in the room, grabbing her holopad and walking towards the door.

"Whatever dad only takes down old business people these days anyways he hasn't fought a real villain in years."

She said bitterly. Her mother gasped at this

"How dare you talk about your father like that! Why can't you be like your brother Ken? He doesn't act this way."

Gwendolyn didn't bother responding to her mother and walked out of her room into the elevator taking it up to the balcony.

Kai stood in Gwen's room not sure what to do. She put her hand up to her forehead as usual she had gotten too angry and lost her temper at gwen but what could she do her daughter was always gossiping about people like that poor alien girl that alone was a big problem but the fact that she seemed to do nothing but gossip bothered her even more she never did any chores and rarely left her room unless it was to hang out with friends and even then she would just bring them up to her room and never talk about what they did together with Kai. What worried Kai the most was her grades sure she didn't expect her to be a straight A student but was it so much to ask for maybe an occasional B every once in a while. She seemed to have no other interests in life besides gossiping with her friends and arguing with Kai.

She heard the speaker system above announcing the return of her husband.

"And now I have to go tell my husband why his daughter is mad." She sighed. If only her gwendolyn had been more like the real thing then maybe her head wouldn't currently feel like it was on fire.

She walked towards the elevator only for it to open up with Ben standing inside.

"Hey kai...where are the kids?" He asked, looking around the large empty hallway. Kai breathed in deeply going over what she was going to say in her mind as to not worry her husband only for him to interject before she could speak

"What happened this time?" He asked.

Kai sighed and told him what had happened between them.

At the end of the story Ben nodded his head

"She's not wrong lately it's like the bad guys have all gone into hiding all I ever seem to be able to do is bust some tax evaders. I wonder if they're up to something." Ben put his thumb and index finger on his chin, rubbing them thoughtfully. Kai knew he was thinking about work and not what she had just told him but decided not to say anything she didn't need to upset Ben too.

Ben seemed to notice her silence and took it as a sign of being annoyed which it was

"Sorry no more work talk I'll go and speak with Gwendolyn. I'm sure she'll understand."

With that he walked towards the elevator and went inside motioning for Kai to stay where she was. Not that she wanted to go anyways she suspected she would only further upset Gwendolyn if she did.

Gwendolyn heard the elevator ding but didn't get up from her seat which overlooked the entirety of omni city. Despite this she sat focused on her holo pad uninterested in the massive city beneath her or the massive sun bearing down over her.

"Hey Gwendolyn, mind if I sit next to you?"

Gwendolyn turned around in surprise; she hadn't expected her Dad to be the one who came to see her; he was almost never home on account of always being busy with his work as a superhero.

Gwendolyn nodded and put down her holopad on a table that rose up to receive it from the ground. Despite not wanting to hear another lecture she was still eager to talk to her Dad due to how rarely he visited.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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