Ben 10 What If Ben's Daughter Had To Save The Future

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Have you ever heard of Ben's son ken? I've met the boy more than once and have helped him out of more than one interdimensional space time jam and for all the trouble Ben gives me about his son damaging time he doesn't know that in one universe. Universe 141919 his daughter Gwendolyn did far greater damage to the timestream then Ken could even dream of, don't believe me? Here let me show you just how much trouble this little minx caused to the timestream and the never ending headache that it has caused me.

Gwendolyn was furiously typing away on her holopad; she couldn't believe it; it was unthinkable no it was simply impossible. Jenny had broken up with Brad because she actually hated aliens and worse she had cheated on him with his human friend Xylan at school. At least that was what Olivia at school had told her people told Gwendolyn that she exaggerated things but Gwendolyn had never noticed her do that. She had already sent her hol-message to three of her friends before she heard her mom calling her.

"Gwendolyn?! Where are you?"

Her mother called out but Gwendolyn didn't bother responding she had to finish telling her friends about what had happened especially trolix she had had a crush on Brad since they were in kindergarten this was a perfect chance for her to make a move and just imagine that her friend going out with the best fireball player at school! It was so crazy she had a hard time picturing it.

"There you are, you forgot to take the trash out Gwendolyn." Gwendolyn turned and saw her mother standing at the doorway to her room with her hands on her hips leering at her. Gwendolyn rolled her eyes at this and said

"It's Ken's turn Mom."

Still busy sending out holo messages to her friends. Her mother walked over towards her arms now crossed

"I told you Ken was going out with some friends. He told me he messaged you about it."

Gwen looked at her message logs and sure enough Ken had sent her a message.

"You've got to be more responsible Gwen, you can't just sit around all day it's not good for you."

Her mother said, uncrossing her arms and looking at Gwen's holo screen.

Gwendolyn tried covering up her screen as she turned to talk to her mother.

"Whatever mom, I'll get to it later." She said but her mother had already seen what she was doing.

"Gwendolyn, are you spreading rumors about people? I thought we raised you better than that, not to mention the trouble you got into last time."

This time it was her mothers tone that was cross not her arms.

Gwendolyn sighed

"I told you that wasn't me, I just heard about it from someone else." She replied truthfully she had received a message saying Lucy the Arubian pelarota was pregnant only for it to turn out she had just gained weight. Gwendolyn had heard the rumor around school but had only talked about it with a few people she hadn't even believed it at the time but that didn't matter to her mother who had heard about what happened when Lucy had come over when Gwendolyn had invited her to make up for it and hang out. But her mother never seemed to remember that fact

"Gwendolyn it doesn't matter who started the rumors, you shouldn't spread them out amongst people like that. How would you feel if people did that to you?"
Gwendolyn rolled her eyes once more as she had already heard this speech before with Lucy.

"How do you think your father would feel knowing that his daughter is acting just like all the bad guys he fights? I'm sure they love gossiping about people as much as you do."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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