2: Give 'em hell!

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Letting y'all know right now this one's long, so if you hate reading long stuff then it'd be recommended to skip this chapter. (Summary down below at the end.)
I opened my eyes again and looked around. It was so dark I couldn't s ee anything, I could only make out a bunch of trees that was everywhere. And I was obviously on some grass, since the ground below me felt...Grassy.

I could feel this wave of happiness come over me as I missed nature so much and hardly got to even go outside. I jumped up and started running around. Oh how I missed this.


I rested a while on some tree since I was so exhausted from running and getting all that excitement out of me. I also accidentally ran into some trees as well since it was so dark.

"Wait...Am I actually in the real world?" I wondered. Was the world always...This dark? I couldn't tell but I just sat with my thoughts for a moment until one thought struck me.

"Is there some type of habitat here?"

I sat up, curiosity got the best of me and I started wandering around, feeling out for trees or just...Anything.


All I could feel was grass and trees for a while, until I saw light. I ran to it to find out it was just some cliff.

I stared at the significant view for a while, everywhere...Was filled with trees. I was in a forest. A dark forest.


I continued staring, I didn't want to leave this spot. I just wanted to admire the view for a while.


As I was zoned out, someone thought it'd be funny to tip toe their way to me and try to push me off.

"Well, well, well. Look who managed to find their way here." I couldn't recognise them until they got closer, they had this purple shirt and this short dark purple looking hair...Their pants black and their shoes were this purple black and grey colour. I realised it was...

(Forgot to mention /new outfits

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(Forgot to mention /new outfits.)
"Henry? Wait, why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Why am I here!? I come up to you and I don't even get a "nooo, don't push me off the cliff!" Or anything, just some stupid question."

"It's not stupid it's-"

"Anyways! Say goodbye to your pitiful life." Henry said, grabbing my hand. At that moment I felt something change, I was covered in smoke...Then.

"Woah what the?" Henry stared at me for a bit, curiosity was written all over his face. Not literally.

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

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