Ready or Not Here I Come

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Summary: Your mama, Natasha can't find you during a game of hide and seek and gets slightly worried

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Summary: Your mama, Natasha can't find you during a game of hide and seek and gets slightly worried

Notes: 'Calls' as in shouting, I'm going to assume reader is too young to have a phone yet, loll.

Readers Age: 4 Years Old

Requests: Open

"Ninety-Nine... One-Hundred! Alright Malysh! Ready or not, here I come! Mama's gonna find her little loon!" Natasha called out into the hallway of her section of the compound.

You both had just gotten back from spending the weekend at the Barton's farm, over the weekend you had developed a love for the game of hide-and-seek from the two eldest Barton children.

So far this was yours and Natasha's third game, and Natasha was just as into it as you were since she just could't get enough of seeing your cheeky little grin or hearing your adorable squeal whenever she found you.

"Y/nnnnnn! Come out, come out where ever you are, манчкин."


Hm, you were learning fast. The first round you had come out of your hiding spot straight after she had called you, always being a child to answer when called so that you wouldn't give your mama a scare.

Natasha made sure to make her steps heavy, knowing that you would giggle if you felt as though you were tricking her.

"Could my little Y/N/N be under the carpet?" She called out as she lifted the carpet gently. "Oh? She isn't here!" She called out, pretending to sound shocked.

Although she was a little but when she didn't hear a sound afterwards.

You were really getting good at this game. Clint had thought you well. She could imagine his words of 'the student becomes the master'

"Ohhhhhh Y-NNNNN!" She sang. "Mama's coming to find youuu."

Nothing. Huh.

For the next minute Natasha played it the way she usually did, making silly little comments as well as looking at the spots where it was plain-fully obvious you weren't hiding. But you were beginning to worry her by remaining quiet.

You were a quiet child, of course. But usually during games like this the more your mama called the more you wanted to run to her and make sure that she wasn't actually worried, plus you loved the cuddles that you would receive.

"Y/N? Sweetheart?"

If you just giggles or let out a huff or something she would gladly keep pretending for another five minutes, but there wasn't a peep out of you.

"Come on honey, Mama can't find you anywhere. She gives up!"

Natasha thought that that ought to do it. But it didn't. Still not a sound.

And due to having received a small dose of syrum during her time in the red room, her hearing was better than the average person's, making it easier to hear around your's and her's apartment in the compound. Which helped whenever you had a nightmare or needed to get up at night due to a tummy ache.

Natasha was panicking now, switching into protective Mama mode.

She began to search all of your previous hiding spots where you had hid in perviously. But nothing.

She would have heard the door open if you went to go somewhere else in the compound.

"Y/N! Come on sweetheart! Why don't we go find Uncle Thor? He and Loki just got back from Asgard, you love Uncle Loki!"

You did love Uncle Loki, he was one of your favourite uncles and if something wasn't terribly wrong you would have zoomed over to her that very second from where you were supposed to be hiding.

"Malyshka please. Are you stuck? Do you need Mama to come get you?"

Natasha wandered aimlessly around the apartment, not entirely sure what to do. She didn't want to leave in case you got scared if you came out of your hiding spot because she wasn't there.

It wasn't until she noticed a little pair of kids' shoes sticking out from under the rack that she felt huge relief.

Natasha pulled a few of the coats to the side and smiled in relief and at the adorable sight in front of her.

You were fast asleep, your head resting on her slippers.

She should have known how tired you would be. You had been running wild with the Barton kids all day, you had stayed awake the entire car journey back chatting away because you felt that if you fell asleep Natasha would be lonely, you had then played another two games while running around with Natasha. She's surprised you hadn't fallen asleep sooner.

After she quickly snapped a picture of you on her phone she put it away and went to softly pick you up, you were light, so it was no problem.

"C'mere sweet pea." She murmured as you let out a small grunt.

"Mama." You whined slightly.

"Right here Moye Serdtse." She cooed softy as you lay your head on her shoulder.

"Did I win?"

Natasha suppressed a laugh. You had won in scaring her if that's what you meant, which of course it wasn't.

She studied your red locks that you inherited from her, and said something that she had known since the day she she discovered your existence. "I won." She said lovingly. She had won, she had won in life because she had you. What else could she ever need?

You huffed, not understanding what she really meant. "Next time I will."

"Maybe." Natasha chuckled. "Let's go sweetheart, you can sleep in my bed."

You smiled up tiredly at Natasha as she moved some hairs from your face. "Yes please, Mama."

"I love you. Malyshka."

"Iluvoo too..." You replied, half asleep on your Mama's shoulder already.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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