"Fuck the bagel, I want a donut!" Tommy laughed acting like a three-year-old brat with a sailor's tongue.

Smirking at Tommy's choice, Dan reached over and fetched his lover's donut taking a big bite before surrendering it to Tommy. He kissed Tommy's forehead again, leaving traces of red sticky sugar on his skin before announcing that he had to go.

Tommy pushed out his bottom lip in a raspberry-stained pout as Dan collected the things he needed for his college campus tour. "I'm gonna be here all alone." Tommy whined. "Think of the trouble I could get into?"

"Behave yourself baby." Dan barked faking a stern glare back at Tommy. "I'll be back A.S.A.P".  Before closing the door, he looked back at his beautiful boy still laying in the bed and smiled. "I love you!"

Tommy finished his donut, dreading the boredom he already felt coming on. There were six hours of void to fill in an empty hotel room before he'd get to be with his man again. Sleep was the best answer he could come up with for what to do at the moment.


Locking the car, Dan shut the door and walked towards the building with a sign that read "ADMISSIONS".  At the first window he saw after walking in, Dan told the lady on the other side of the plexiglass barrier that he was there to see Simone. That's a sexy name! he thought to himself as he said it. Simone. He was instructed to have a seat and Simone would be with him shortly.

After waiting several minutes, a tall, thin, olive-skinned girl appeared from around the corner. She seemed to float down the hall with a smooth almost catwalk-type strut. When she saw Dan, she flashed a smile that set her face aglow.

Dan stood as she neared him, her hand extended out in greeting, "I'm Simone, your student ambassador," she stated with an air of confidence "You must be Dan?" She handed him a brightly designed folder filled with flyers and other information.

"Ah, yeah." Dan stuttered, taking her soft hand in his. "That's me!"

Picking up on his nervousness, Simone flashed her pretty smile again and asked, "Shall we?" before she turned.

Dan followed her lead, catching up and walking side by side with her as she told him about herself, her attempt at modeling, and her current path in the nursing program before she got into anything about the college campus or student life on campus. She walked Dan through what she deemed the important parts of the facilities before they took a break for lunch in the cafeteria.

During lunch, small talk was a little awkward. It was pretty obvious that like Dan himself, Simone had a very A-type personality. She was upfront and very outgoing. She talked about the parties she attended, and all the social engagements around in the community. At times Dan thought she might be covertly flirting with him.

Once she had exhausted the topics she felt were important to talk about, she inquired about Dan, his hobbies, and goals. Dan obliged her with where he was from and his extracurricular activities that a college would be interested in. He told her he was there for the sports medicine program and that he wanted to be an athletic trainer. When he finally worked up the courage to tell the stranger that he had a partner, her smile returned, offering a glimmer of comfort to Dan.

"I think that's the first time I've admitted that to someone." Dan stated in his own disbelief. "I've never told anyone before." His heartbeat seemed to be on wide open throttle.

"Really?" Simone asked leaning forward against the table, her hands out in front of her. "So, you're gay?
And you just came out to me?" She seemed over-enthusiastic to Dan.

The pride he originally felt seemed to be overtaken with anxiety. "I dunno, ya know? I never really considered labels. I think I mostly compartmentalize my feelings for him out of self-preservation." Dan admitted thinking about the things he confessed to Tommy, that he wanted to give.

Dan and Tommy's Story Volume 3 Coming OutWhere stories live. Discover now