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It was a cold brisk day in Skylands, most people wouldn't be out during this time, however, a group of Skylanders decided it was a perfect challenge, as they led a familiar brown, stony dragon to a mountain, as high as the sky, but much vaster.

"Hahaha very funny, PUTTING A DRAGON WHO CAN'T FLY IN A TREACHEROUS MOUNTAIN." Bash said very unsurely about the idea.

"Welp this was part of the dare I gave you so you better not chicken out you turd derg." Wolfgang laughed at the dragon's anger.

However, that was not the only reason why Bash was here, there has been a string of missing people, including fellow Skylanders, all linking back to the mountain name Skyhigh. Rumors say those who enter are unable to get out, so are lost in the process. So Bash is stuck with the job of finding anyone stuck there, despite its dark history. With a bag in tow, the dragon took in a big breath, and started heading into the mountain, the area becoming darker around him until...


The entrance got blocked off by a large boulder, the area truly becoming a void, but nothing a simple headlight can fix. Bash tried ramming into the rock to try to break it, but it was way too thick to be able to do that...He's stuck. The only way to progress is to simply go up, which made him anxious, he's not exactly the most careful Skylander, but he really had no choice. Putting his feet on the stone, he began the climb up, hoping to find a way out. While walking many views can be seen, including ancient drawings from those before him, beautiful gemstones, and even a couple of fossils. Bash amazed by this cave's natural beauty kept walking up, the path getting narrower and narrower.

"Wow, this place looks prett-!" He couldn't finish his sentence as he lost his footing.

With one slip, he nearly tumbled off the pathway, but he was able to correct his footing, which was too close. Bash remembered that this is a dangerous mountain, and there are many ways he can easily fall down into the abyss. He has to be more careful.

"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have been such an airhead..." The rock dragon said, criticizing himself as he kept walking further into the darkness.

It was quiet too quiet, and despite the mountain's reputation of people eventually becoming lost in it, he didn't feel he was alone. Unfortunately....He was right, and he was soon greeted by the departed, as bones were scattered around the cavern, some elvish, some draconic, and some of the other species. Yet again Bash thought they were fossils, but was immediately suspicious, why would so many bones be in an enclosed area, and looked to be picked over? Before he could look into it, he heard her...


"Hello is anyone here?" Bash called out, thinking the voice sounds awfully familiar, and began going towards the voice.

"Baby..." the feminine voice said again, weakly.

Bash kept moving forward following the voice's call, until, he made it to a dead end. He didn't know where the voice was coming from until it piped up incredibly close.


With one swift look the dragon's light shined on the woman whose voice was calling out for a child, it was Stealth Elf. She was terribly emaciated and thirsty, mostly skin and bones, and her skin was dull and unhealthy. Her hair lost its beautiful sapphire blue complexion, now a lifeless shade of grey, and her arm was stuck under a rock.

"STEALTH ELF ARE YOU OKAY?!" Bash said in fear at his colleague's condition, only for her to shush him.

"'ll wake baby..." The elf said, clearly not caring for her condition, but rather someone else.

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