Chapter 8

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(Hello everyone!! I am so so sorry for not posting enough I just haven't had time too do so. Please vote follow and enjoy my lovelies.)

I sit up and sigh, another loveless night i get out of bed seeing my room trashed "wh-what?" i say queitly as i tiptoe out my bedroom door to see almost all my windows broken i could here i rush out the door seeing the entire town on fire "WHATS HAPPING!?" i scream to no one "hehe well dolly~" i hear a familier voice bellow from behind me i turn to see his disgusting grin..the same one that scared me so much so long ago.

I shoot up again..another nightmare i look outside there are no burning buildings i'm home alone..I get out of bed and walk down my stairs looking at the paintings that i had made just flying past as i make my way too the kitchen
I make myself a bowl of cereal and just stare out the window while eating
Suddenly all i can hear throughout my empty house *Knock, Knock*
I ran towards my front door and open it to see his gross smile i see him.Cartoon cat "Why hello there! Can i come in? Y/N" My eyes widen as he says my name
he shoves past me into my house his long arms close the door
"..uhhh....well I was going to say no but okay babes." I say anger riddled in my tone "AWWW DON'T BE SUCH A LIL NAMSY BABAA!" Cartoon cat teased as he walked past me and into my kitchen "uhm where do you think your going?" I say looking at him like he's some type of vermin "Where I want. What are you gonna do call your mommy?" He said laughing "Yes." I chime turning on my phone "Really?" He says looking back at me and I place a hand on my hip "HMMP. You asked me what I was going to do now I am telling you." My voice chimed loudly! "..This is why I cannot stand women" Cartoon cat says COMPLETELY OUT OF CHARACTER, Shush anyway. I death stare him rasing a eyebrow as I lean more into my hand that's still on my hip "This is why I can't stand felines." I say dailing my mom's number
It rings for a second maybe two
Still no answer
"Uhh hello?" I hear my mom's voice say over the phone "Mother! Some uninvited guest has made my acquaintance. Yet I would rather prefer if he would leave me be to do important work!" I put the phone to my ear as cartoon cat looked at me with a 'BITCH WHAT DA FUCK' Face "Mhm? OH Yes I do mother" I nod "No, I do not happen to know where father is or what he is doing!" I look back at cartoon cat as he stares into my eyes I get a little nervous "Oh what? Your in aren' can't help? WHAT NO MOTHER WAIT I'M SORRY-...huh" I say throwing my phone into the kitchen
"Why don't you call your papá or some shit?" Cartoon cat pats my head his long arms roughly patting me
"Uhh..I could try..." I start to dial his number
"Hello father! I have met a inconvenience with a old friend- No I didn't invite him...What? No..BITCH LEMME SPEAK YOU FUCKING OVERGROWN CELERY STICK. YEAH GO AND TELL MA THEN WHY DON'T YOU TELL YOUR DAD YOU BITCHASS MOTHERFUCKING LITTLE PASSIVE AGRESSIVE SHIT. Oh Fuck off I hate you." I say as I put down my phone cartoon cat grabs my arm dragging me to the kitchen "Anyway I brought ramen" cartoon cat says placing a grocery bag on the counter
"YOU GOT RAMEN? HOLY SHIT YUMMYUMMY ILY ILY ILY" I say hugging him "aww, Ilyt" I cut him off saying "EW DON'T BE GROSS YOU FELINE." He then slaps me gently

[Words: 679

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