Dazai chuckled at that due to the alcohol and opened his eyes, scanning the crowd. His eyes fell upon Tecchou and Jouno, who were neatly sitting right next to each other. He grinned; his hand pointed to both of them. After he closed his eyes again, Fukuzawa tapped on Jouno's knee and Tecchou's shoulder. They "woke up" and looked at each other, Jouno let out a silent sight. They were now "in love", meaning that if one of them died the other would automatically die with him. They showed each other their cards, Jouno was the seer (the game cards have braille on them don't cancel me I HAVE to write this with this specific game.), he reached out to Tecchou's card. He was a weretiger. Enemy cards.

They closed their eyes again and the game continued. Next was the seer, so Jouno chose someone who's role he wanted to know and Fukuzawa showed him the card, he found out that Kenj was the witch. Then the bloody part started, the story continued.

"...At midnight the city's four weretigers met to choose their next meal, an innocent civilian of this oh so pretty town. They wake up, identify each other and storm into one of the houses to take out their victim."

Atsushi, Tecchou, Tanizaki and Yosano opened their eyes, they all knew who they had to kill first. The world best's detective Ranpo. They decided quickly, four fingers pointed at the sweet obsessed man.

"After they violently tore apart the outsides and insides of their victim, they lick their mouth, they sure did eat well. Although a destroyed rest is left on the floor in front of the house. A rest discovered by the witch, who just wanted to grab some ingredients for her potions. She gasps at the sight of the body; she knows she has three options. Either healing the poor soul, seeking revenge by poisoning someone else or just ignoring it, she has one healing potion and one poison. Please decide what you shall do."

Fukuzawa pointed at Ranpo, as Kenji opened his eyes. Of course, a warm soul like his would never let a fellow citizen die. He raised his thumb, signalling to heal the dead man. With that the first round, or rather first night was over.

"After a long and eventful night, the citizens of gloomwood gather at the main town square. They find out that no one has been found dead, but there surely are still some suspicions, right? They may now be spoken out loud before the process will begin. You can vote for one person that should be lynched."

Ranpo hand shot in the air as he yelled: "I accuse Atsushi of being a weretiger. No one call tell ne I'm wrong after all."

Obviously, no one questioned Ranpo, even if they would've accused someone else that would've made said person suspicious. In other words, everyone voted for Atsushi, he was out of the game and his role was made official. The fact that Atsushi was actually a weretiger made Ranpo the most trustable person of them all.

Still, that certainly wouldn't last long. The second night began. As a couple was already chosen and still alive, cupid wasn't allowed to make more people fall in love.

The seer found out Tanizaki's identity as weretiger and said weretigers gave killing Ranpo a second try, since the witch wouldn't be able to heal him this time. And they were right, even though Kenji almost started crying when he found out he couldn't heal his friend.

Before they knew the next night was over and Fukuzawa announced Ranpo's death. But to everyone's surprise Ranpo's role was the one of the hunter, meaning that the moment he died he was allowed to pull someone else with him.

He stole a quick glance at Jouno and then decided: "Yosano shall die with me."

She who was drunk and found everything unnecessarily funny just snorted loudly as she said: "Oh Ranpo, if you want, I can show you how dying really feels after I dissected you ten times or moooreeeee ahaha AHAHAH"

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